One easy way is buying 2-4 large rectangular heavy duty storage containers with solid lids(~65L/17 gallons). You guys seem to have a lot of good storage containers everywhere in the US.
Connect 2-4 big totes with bulkheads in the bottom to keep water levels equal. With larger water volumes it takes longer for the water to warm up during lights on. It's better to run 18/6 in veg with water cultures IMO. If you want to i prove on that add a control reservoir without a plant.
This is for filling, top offs. returning the water, adding aeration if you only want aeration in the reservoir.
I would just run a tee with two hoses to a pump from the totes farthest away from the reservoir and also returning to it. Keeping the pump on the ground and return the one water hose to a L connector going straight down to a waterfall in the res. Better to use PVC instead 8f rubber hosing. That's how I would do it If I were to build a new DWC. That can also be run passive for long periods of time.
I typically run my hydro tents at 24-25C/76-77F to combat high root chambers temps. Been working well for me all these years. Cheers!