switching lights in mid-grow?


Active Member
i started a few plants under a 400w hps and so far they seem to be growing fine. they are about a week old and 2-3 inches tall.

i know changing the light cycle in mid-grow can cause stress, but what about changing the bulb type? cause i bought an MH bulb for veg since i heard they're better, and i'm thinking of using that instead. will this stress my plants if the next day they are getting MH light instead of the HPS?


Well-Known Member
u got the right idea. use the mh for veg and the hps for flower, it doesnt matter when u switch lights but probably best to do it when u switch to flower schedule


Well-Known Member
some people like Soma use both during the flower cycle. u can just add the hps and switch ur timer


Well-Known Member
wont cause stress by upgrading your lighting system...youll cause increased growth, like you sadi switching the timers times causes stress.


Active Member
I concur, nothing but good to come from switching bulbs. I put my hps in when i switch to 12/12 and have never noticed any stress caused. better sooner than later though. too much red spectrum during veg can cause hermies or extra males.