Switching MH to HPS during grow


Active Member

I'm looking for some advice regarding what time between veg/harvest it is best to switch from MH lamp to HPS lamp?

Switch immediately upon going to 12/12 or continue with the MH for a while?

Specifically, I've got a sunmaster bulb that I've had nice success with on full grows. My ballast is digital and can use either, so I got an HPS and I'm wonderin what point in the grow to switch the bulbs.

Any help is appreciated!



Active Member
im auctually testing this out between some ladies as we speak. just for the stretch of flower. ill let ya know in a week or 2.


Active Member
im not entirely sure but the 2 bagseeds seem to have a diference of about 5% in height gained. seems as though the MH has keept the plant down some. in the future when i start flowering i will be keeping the MH as the main lighting and suplementing with some CFLs for the cooler light spectrium. only untill the stretch is over. goodtimez


M/H veg 18hrs ,then one week prior to changeing to flower,change to 24HRS useing M/H,Then change to 12/12 hr cycle and it will flower quicker due to lack of darkness ..........pot will put a last ditch effort to grow as big as possible in the first 2weeks after changeing to 12/12 as it prepares to repoduce and flower.....then change to HPS bulb till harvest.


Active Member
i wouldnt go suggesting that. some sativa strains are prone to hermie (not experienced this only heard). goodluck with flipping there world upside down with the lighting change.