I notice a lot of the older tech lights for sale on craigslist. Many look like a larger grower or business upgraded and are dumping the old stuff. My opinion is that the LED's on the market today are hard to beat. Just a few years back good LED's were pretty pricey, but now technology has gotten better and prices have dropped and "budget" LEDs grow lights offer eve beginners with a low cost starting point for small tent grows that weren't available in the not to distant past. When you consider the light longevity, savings on electricity and the reduction in heat issues it's hard not to switch. A lot of commercial and larger scale growers are switching now that the lights and prices have gotten better and after crunching numbers there is savings to be had over time. Bottom line is efficiency and costs. Like most things money is the key deciding factor. Lots of things to consider though, so it's not always a simple choice when deciding if or when to upgrade... local climate, heating vs cooling costs. Electricity costs, size of your grow and so on, but I think LED's are definitely the future of growing.