Swith to Roots Organic Cocofiber Mix + Germination of 3 seeds


Active Member
Okay I have made a switch in the way that I am growing because I am going to be adding more plants into the mix, started germination of 3 more seeds that I will be growing 12|12 from seed but for right know I just cleaned up and got to work. Here are just a few things I will be using:


Afghan Kush Ryder (1)
Auto Blue Mammoth (1)
Cotton Candy (1)


Roots Organic Cocofiber Soilless Mix
Cutting Edge Solutions (3 part mix)
Advanced Nutrients: Big Bud
9.4” Self –watering Planter (funny as it may seem, from Wall-Mart)
600 watt HPS w/6” hood
Timer set to 12|12 (12pm – 12am)

Here are some pics of the progress, please give tips, advice, comments (good or bad, I need the tough love), or anything you think about the pics, thank you.

(Before the switch up with light off)
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(Here we go...)
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(Video update)