Swithcing cycles mid flowering need advice


Well-Known Member
so i find out that people will be coming around my apartment during the day and i am currently going dark at 830 at night. I need this plant to be under lights at night and off during the day...so here is my question will it hurt the plant if it is off 24 hours straight then i turn the light back on and resume normal flowering at different times? Now it is 12 hours on during the day then 830 at night it is turned off. i want lights on at 830 at night off during the day.


Well-Known Member
shifting thr time frame 1 hr or 2 a day working in favor of darkness, till u get it wher u need


Well-Known Member
now long have they been in flower..?? I have heard that people turn off their lights for 24hrs,,just before they harvest..to sticky up the buds.....so it may just stress em into being better buds (if you are lucky)...... ;^)


Well-Known Member
changing the time drastically by 12 hrs in one shot shouldn't effect your plants..just dont make it a habit during one grow cause then that could stress them out..but also changing an hr a day wouldnt hurt either..but If it was me I would just do it and be done with it...

btw Jats I am planning on trying that this grow..but I have heard up to 2 days leaving the lights off..I am going to give that a shot


New Member
I've heard that also, about leaving the lights off for 48 hours before harvest, I think I'm going to try that too. I love some sticky weed.