Swollen calyxes beginning week 4 flower

Hi everyone!

I'm a newbie grower and a new at forums if I'm being honest. I just finished week 3 of flower and I'm noticing that some pistils are turning orange on two of the colas of one my plants. I have also noticed that some calyxes at the nodes are starting to swell. Is this normal? I dissected one of them to see if there was a seed but I only saw the pistils attached to a small, ball point pen sized looking sac. This isn't happening anywhere else in the room except on this one plant. Am I good? I haven't seen any balls anywhere or any nanners for that matter. I attach some pictures for reference

I'm growing in Roots organic soil with biobizz nutes under a 315w cmh hood. Ph hovers anywhere from 6.5-6.8 and I feed nutes at qtr strength every other water. No signs of nute burn or deficiency anywhere. Please help and I appreciate all input. Thanks everyone!



Well-Known Member
Looks good but a bit of tip burn, cut back on nutes and this is the time where new growers are tempted to throw lots of boosters at the plant and fuck it right up...Don't!
Looks good but a bit of tip burn, cut back on nutes and this is the time where new growers are tempted to throw lots of boosters at the plant and fuck it right up...Don't!
I've been feeding nutes at qtr strength per feeding (2times a week roughly) based on the Biobizz schedule they provide. I notice the amounts go up about 1ml each week from here... You're saying I should cut down? My concern is that they will show some sort of deficiency once bud production really ramps up


Well-Known Member
I've been feeding nutes at qtr strength per feeding (2times a week roughly) based on the Biobizz schedule they provide. I notice the amounts go up about 1ml each week from here... You're saying I should cut down? My concern is that they will show some sort of deficiency once bud production really ramps up
Tip burn could be chlorene, do you leave your fresh nutrients sitting for 24hrs before feed?