Synthetic Nutes Effect on Roots Excelurators (And Homemade) & Beneficial Bacteria

I finally got around to buying roots excelurator and have a couple questions. I am running Floranova in DWC (and Coco also). I want to establish strong BBs and also incorporate my synthetics. Is there a particular order in which I should apply these. IE, roots excelurator first then Floranova a week later? Or can these be applied at the same time? The same questions go for anyone with experience with the homemade rice-water-milk solution? Please share your experience, pro’s con’s, etc. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
No problem brother............salt based ferts(synthetics) will have a definite NEGATIVE effect on BB/fungi colonies ...........can't have you cake and eat it too:P You can just keep inoculating the medium between feedings in cocco but the effects are minimal and in DWC don't even bother cause it's just throwing away $$$ in that sterile/high salt solution.
PSUAGRO thanks for the reply. I went into my grow room 24 hours after I intro'd the RE into my DWC buckets and found nasty looking bubbles in the water. Judging from what you said it looks like I have three options:

1. Run RE with organics only in my DWC buckets (although Ive rarely if ever heard this done before)
2. Start with RE/pH'd water only, then use nutes thereafter.
3. Use RE only in soil (which I don't grow in, lol)

Do any of these options make sense? I think I understand your birthday cake analogy. lol:wall: