T5 flouresents

I was thikin about buyin one of theese. Has any one here ever grown with the t5? And if so was it a good or bad experience?


Active Member
I know some guys who bought 2 t5 racks, and they absolutely hated them. They returned them and got a light mover for there MH.

If your absolute on going with fluoros, then go with CFL's. They put off a little more heat but ALOT more light.


Well-Known Member
T5 HO's are great for vegging!
Get 6500k spectrum, and the highest wattage possible.
The "Sun Blaze" t5 strips that sunlight supply sells are awesome.
They put out very little heat, and have a cover over the tubes so you don't have to worry about getting spray or water on them.
Haven't flowered with them though.


Well-Known Member
I use a 2 ft 8 bulb T5, I'm in a small closet with no venting. The thing puts out almost no heat, I can put my hand almost touching the bulb and not feel it. If your looking for weigt HPS will kill it. That said I did an LA woman all the way through flower and got an OZ of the best bud I've ever tasted in 35 years.
This time I topped and should be able to get hopefully 2oz. If your looking for simple and easy they work, if your looking to maximize yeild don't flower with them. good luck