t5 ho fixture issue.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
he said different outlets. try a different outlet on different circuit breaker. use an extension cord if you have to keep in same room. if it still does it, the fan motor is causing interference. try different fan
If he plugs in the lights with the fan and the fan slows, there is a load problem. It may not be the cause of the issue and is most likely the ballast but just an easy thing to check. My shed is at or slightly above tha wire sizing load and at full draw things run slower lol. My lights have dual Ballasts so if one goes then I still have two left that work. How would interferance from two fans cause the light to dim? Never heard of that before.


Well-Known Member
the fan doesnt slow at all and I'm definitely under my circuits max load even after multiplying by 1.25 for continous load and taking 20% off the topout max of the circuit.

and its not when I have two fans running, its when I have either fan running. but my inline exhaust fan doesnt mess with it. I have tried to see if its the exhaust fan combined with a circulation fan but I saw no difference with exhaust on or off.


Well-Known Member
so I just ran a fan off of every different circuit I could reach with my longest hd extension cord and the same thing happened on every circuit, so I'm thinking it has to be the ballast now..