T5 or 600HPS?

got some new seedling coming into rotation I'm wondering if i should veg them with that T5 or my HPS? I've done the hps before already but i though it was a bit of an overkill on heat and my light bill so i guess what I'm asking is if i'll be good with veg 4 plants about 4ft tall with a T5 4 bulb 4ft long in a 5x5x7 tent?


Active Member
I think ull b good bro.
Using t5 for the first time myself and im liking the results forsure. Got 16 seedling under a t5 and they are all doin great.


Well-Known Member
4ft is too much depth for the T5 to penetrate, the lower half will suffer with plants that tall; now if you SCRoG..



Active Member
T5 diffenatly for veg, but I'm not sure how good a 4 bulb fixture is gonna do you in a space that size. I am for T5 all the way.