Take A Look A Tell A Noob If its Ready!

I dont even know how long they have beeb growing. I started them on a window sill and then put them under 2 four foot flouro's. It looks like it getting ready to be harvested but im not sure and dont want to rush all this effort. Its from a bag of "FIRE" so I want to get the same results. Let me know what you expierenced tokers think!



Active Member
see if you can get some kind of magnification or even a good camera with at least 3x optical zoom and look at the mushroom shaped crystals. when they start turning an amber color it should be ready. just from my guessing, i'd say you have at least another month. you'll be glad you waited cause im sure the yield will be much higher. good luck!


Well-Known Member
i think you have a light leak or your not using a timer. she looks to be revegging. it looks horrible, do YOU think it looks 'ready'? does it look like weed you would smoke? its not even close and you should be posting in the marijuana plant problems subforum IMO.


Active Member
just cause hairs are tanning dont mean she is rdy. thats gonna happen at least once before d day. if not 3 times. she will look REALLY done when she is...... you'll look at her and say. yep, she looks ready