Take a look at this crazy shit. leaves growing out of leaves


Well-Known Member
The plant is a hermaphrodite, looked to be just male until it started growing white hairs at just the top I was going to keep pollen from it but then the hairs started growing

what do you all make of it? never seen shit like it, its crazy man.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
sorry I cant afford a nice camera. Maybe you have one I could borrow?
LOL mine sucks too!!! ;) I can see what your talking about in the second one. Your finger is holding down the main middle leaf, and I can see the two new leaves groing. It's probably some gentic retardation.


Well-Known Member
LOL mine sucks too!!! ;) I can see what your talking about in the second one. Your finger is holding down the main middle leaf, and I can see the two new leaves groing. It's probably some gentic retardation.
Or adaptation It started after the leaf I was holding got burned at the tip. It was like two grew to replace the one and then all of the sudden they all started doing it.


Well-Known Member
I got the same thing on some Jilly Bean. Maybe that's why the plant sucked.
Nope sorry I didnt pay 9$ per seed for mine these were free lol. And I never said the plant sucked. Actually the female that I was able to find from these seeds last run I did turned out really well very potent smoke heres pictures and yes I realize there blurry and some of you will be unable to figure out what they are but I don't really care.


Well-Known Member
Nope sorry I didnt pay 9$ per seed for mine these were free lol. And I never said the plant sucked. Actually the female that I was able to find from these seeds last run I did turned out really well very potent smoke heres pictures and yes I realize there blurry and some of you will be unable to figure out what they are but I don't really care.
.View attachment 1403673View attachment 1403674
It was the angle you had it focused that really made it hard to see it in pic 2, pic one was the blurry one. What is your attitude about? we couldnt see the pics well and politely asked you to give us a few more to help us maybe see so we could try to help, you took that personal for some reason?!? I've known you awhile so i know your a good guy, but relax man. "yes I realize there blurry and some of you will be unable to figure out what they are but I don't really care.", is not a good way to respond to someone who's trying to do you a favor and help you/contribute to your thread. You want to know what the answer is? its genetics most likely but i dont like to say things unless im 100% sure, thats why i wanted a few more pics to confirm or deny it.......


Well-Known Member
It was the angle you had it focused that really made it hard to see it in pic 2, pic one was the blurry one. What is your attitude about? we couldnt see the pics well and politely asked you to give us a few more to help us maybe see so we could try to help, you took that personal for some reason?!? I've known you awhile so i know your a good guy, but relax man. "yes I realize there blurry and some of you will be unable to figure out what they are but I don't really care.", is not a good way to respond to someone who's trying to do you a favor and help you/contribute to your thread. You want to know what the answer is? its genetics most likely but i dont like to say things unless im 100% sure, thats why i wanted a few more pics to confirm or deny it.......
Sorry brother some days I'm just not at my best. I kinda just wanted to show it to you guys cause I thought It was cool. Not because I needed to know what was causing it to happen.

maybe I'm just tired of not having what I need. I feel inadequate. none of that has to do with you though.

Miss placed aggression I guess.

I mean I almost had a job earlier this week they said they wanted to start me the next week and then I hear nothing from them and I call to find out they decided to just transfer someone from another location wtf?

I mean shit I only drove an hour to get to the damn interview, then the guy I was supposed to interview never shows so im sitting around looking like an ass in dress clothes for an hour, I end up interviewing with his kitchen manager who wants to give me the job says he will cal me in three days or so. 5 days later nothing I call talk to douche that was supposed to interview he takes my number says he'll get back to me in the morning says hasnt gotten a chance to talk to other guy yet so I wait nothing wtf? its monday now I call talk to douche again he puts the guy I interviewed with on the phone he tells me they transferred someone and there is no position at the current time sorry click.

I have 2.25$ in my bank account, no phone, no vehicle cant afford insurance, nothing in my wallet and no weed so Im sorry that some days im cranky and bitchy


Active Member
I totally see what you are talking about in your second pic. Thats some funky chit! Thats like the lamb with 5 legs!


Well-Known Member
Sorry brother some days I'm just not at my best. I kinda just wanted to show it to you guys cause I thought It was cool. Not because I needed to know what was causing it to happen.

maybe I'm just tired of not having what I need. I feel inadequate. none of that has to do with you though.

Miss placed aggression I guess.

I mean I almost had a job earlier this week they said they wanted to start me the next week and then I hear nothing from them and I call to find out they decided to just transfer someone from another location wtf?

I mean shit I only drove an hour to get to the damn interview, then the guy I was supposed to interview never shows so im sitting around looking like an ass in dress clothes for an hour, I end up interviewing with his kitchen manager who wants to give me the job says he will cal me in three days or so. 5 days later nothing I call talk to douche that was supposed to interview he takes my number says he'll get back to me in the morning says hasnt gotten a chance to talk to other guy yet so I wait nothing wtf? its monday now I call talk to douche again he puts the guy I interviewed with on the phone he tells me they transferred someone and there is no position at the current time sorry click.

I have 2.25$ in my bank account, no phone, no vehicle cant afford insurance, nothing in my wallet and no weed so Im sorry that some days im cranky and bitchy
i faced a situation very similar to yours a few years ago, in fact its happened in like a cycle the last 5 years or so, i'll be doing real good and feel like im making real progress and then its like i get scared of succeeding and let that pressure get to me, which causes me to do stupid shit like quitting a job because a fellow employee who no one liked anyway set me off so bad talking about my family when i knew i should of just taken a deep breath and walked away laughing at said persons idiocy. ive thrown away everything ive worked towards so many times. So i kinda know how you feel, although in your case it probally wasnt from some stupid mistakes you made. while looking for work i tried every single company within a few miles and i had a fair amount jerk me around like that and end up hiring someone else even though they already said i was perfect for the job and it was mine if i wanted it and they'd call me to set it all up after they worked out their schedules,anyway, it may seem hopeles, but some good may come of it in the end, it was during one of my lowest points that i started growing and fell in love with it. if nothing else this will make you a stronger person.