Taking Cuts of Cuts for Cloning will break Genetics or no?

Take cuts of cuts for cloning. yes or no?

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Active Member
Just like the title suggests. When I start out I was told not to take cuts from cuts that it will "break" your genetics, or they'll go bad. I haven't seen it first had but I've heard stories. So I'd like your take RIU. What do you think?

If you vote please give an account of why you did so. ie:story, experience or research.

Keith Stone

Well-Known Member
Good gawd.

How about you explain (or just think about) how propagating plants WITHOUT SEXUAL REPRODUCTION can do anything to the genetics* of the plant in question. huh? how?

Hellfire, that's why it's called cloning.

Please forget everything you've ever "heard" or "been told" and get a good book on botany. Try Amazon... they gottem.

the expression of the genetics may vary slightly in response to environmental conditions and stray gamma particles...but the short answer is cuttings run true-as there's no mixing and no "copy-copy" degradation as per Xerox (which is not a plant).


Active Member
Good gawd.

How about you explain (or just think about) how propagating plants WITHOUT SEXUAL REPRODUCTION can do anything to the genetics* of the plant in question. huh? how?

Hellfire, that's why it's called cloning.

Please forget everything you've ever "heard" or "been told" and get a good book on botany. Try Amazon... they gottem.

the expression of the genetics may vary slightly in response to environmental conditions and stray gamma particles...but the short answer is cuttings run true-as there's no mixing and no "copy-copy" degradation as per Xerox (which is not a plant).
Your attitude is poor at best. Did I sound obnoxious asking my question or something? Have you ever heard of genetic mutation?

theres a link showing that you're wrong. clones from the same parent plant CAN change.
I've even had cuts from the same plant turn out different.

Please post links backing your information next time. Facts are always regarded better than opinion.
...oh and not all plants reproduce via male and female.

brewing up

Well-Known Member
im not sure on this but a friend grower once told me they lose potency if you keep cloning clones, i grow from seed though


Well-Known Member
Just make sure you take good clones. I have a friend that got a really good cut of White Russian he was taking shitty little clones off of flowering plants and after about three runs it grew like shit and didn't even look like the original clones he got they looked like a comleatly different strain.

Keith Stone

Well-Known Member
Sorry 'bout the tone, but weed growers have the wonderful way of trying to complicate everything beyond reason.

this has been discussed before. tha's also part of my angst. folks post up everything that pops into their heads w/o doing 3 seconds of searching.

i don't trust any "news" story. they're just massaging the psyche of a world not ready to accept GMO food stuffs-by implying that it happens all the time and there's no trouble in it.

read: The Biology of Belief to get a grip on modern genetics and expression thereof.

so what, a cutting mutates, throw it out. big deal. MOST of the time, they won't-and who is to say the "mutation" might not be a better plant.

that's where the "clones of clones are bad" notion falls flat on its face--the implication that any change must be negative and the assumption that there must be change.
