Taking leaves off to get light to lower branches


Well-Known Member
imo cutting off almost any fan leaf because its blocking light is pointless. i have scientific reasoning for it though. you see leaves are not as solid as they look. only about 15% of the light that hits a leaf is used, 85% keeps going and so on. if you take it off the parts getting more light now get 15% of 100% of the energy instead of 15% of 85% of the energy. the plant has the leaves where they are for a purpose, the nice big fan leaves are the most effecient energy
producers. To each their own however. as for taking off lower sucker growth as in lollipoping the lower stuff so the plant focus on specific main growth sites can be done whenever. i let some of the lower branches stay a few weeks into flower then cut them to make flowering clones.​

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I don't think it will help lower branches get more light, but cutting some lower stuff does redirect energy to the tops. That's the basis of lollipopping.


Well-Known Member
so chopping off the bottom node of the plant in the picture below won't harm it? ive been wanting to do this but im scared it will stress the plant. its at week 3.5 of flower
