Talk about a scary ass experience.. the police came to my house. :|


Well-Known Member
Alright.. let me break this down for everyone..

Yesterday, late in the afternoon (somewhere around 6:30pm) I was driving back to my house.. I had just left my sisters house because I was doing her a favor and babysitting both my 11 year old nephew and my 14 year old neice. Well, I take them back home to my sisters house.. drop them off.. then I'm heading back home.. I turn down my street (my house is at the end of my street.. on a corner lot) and as soon as you turn onto my street.. you can see the front of my house.

Well, I'm coming down my street.. and then outta fucking nowhere this punk ass teenager that lives in the house adjacent to mine.. started pointing a fucking red laser pointer at me. He was purposely aiming for my eyes.. because it hit me in both my eyes over 3 times before I made it to the end of the street (my house). It fucking blinded my ass!! I was fucking pissed too.. I mean.. he could have caused me to wreck. I could have hit someone walking in the street.. I could have hit the little kids that usually ARE playing in the road (luckily they weren't at the time) because I couldn't see shit. I kept seeing spots every time I blinked..

So I spotted where it was coming from.. the little punk ass was inside his parents house (2 story house) and was up in his bedroom.. pointing the laser out his window. I noticed his window was opened.. but there was a screen. So, I yelled at the little bastard.. and told him that if he was 18 years old.. I'd shove that laser up his urethra and then proceed to whoop his ass.

Well, apparently that upset the kid.. he goes and tells his parents that I was the one that instigated everything.. and that he didn't do anything. Well, then his mom.. comes out.. with a camera.. and starts taking pictures of me. I'm thinking.. okkkaayy.. wtf was that all about?

Next thing I know.. the police are here. I heard it on my scanner... but they didn't say my address or even the neighbors address.. so I didn't think they were coming here. Plus, there's a street on the other side of the main street.. that carries the same street name.. so I thought maybe they were going there.. not here.

Just to be safe.. I locked my grow area up.. then I hear the doorbell.. 'DING.. DONG..'

So I go to the door.. look out my peephole.. and sure enough.. its the police. So I answered the door.. and the cop was actually kinda cool about it. He asked, mind if I come in (as soon as I heard this.. I got nervous). But, in order to keep my cool.. I said.. sure come on in buddy (acting really cool at this point).

Well, once the cop came in.. he started taking my report. After about 15 minutes of being inside my house and taking the report.. he asks "Whats that smell..?" I looked the cop in the eyes.. and asked "What smell..?" (had a confused look on my I didn't know what he was talking about).

Then finally.. he looks over and sees the scent candle I was burning. Then he says.. it must be that candle you have going over there on the table. I looked over.. and said.. Ohhhhh.. yeah, my dog gets nervous sometimes and pee's in the house and I just got done cleaning it up and figured I would try and get rid of the smell with the candle. Or at least mask the odor some..

Finally, after talking about dogs and candles for another 10 minutes. He says, "well, here's a copy of your report.. and if you have any other problems from these people.. be sure and call us and let us handle it." After that.. he finally leaves my property.

Anyhow.. the point of this story is.. is I thought I was fucked for sure. I don't know how the hell he didn't smell my two plants. Also.. I want everyone to try and learn how to keep your cool.. around the police. It makes the difference of being caught.. and not being caught. ;)

You should have stepped outside and talked to the cop on the street. NEVER let them into your home if you are growing. Allowing Cops to come in when they ask is not keeping your cool.

He DID smell your plants. Now he'll have that in the back of his mind and his spidey senses will keep tingling until he does something about it.

That is what you should be thinking.

I put up with all kind of shit from people and never mouth off, flip off another motorists, etc.... There is NO sense in attracting attention to a grow.... Your incident nearly brought you down, and it may still... All that cop has to tell a judge is you voluntarily let him in and he is certain he smelled marijuana.... Signed warrant right there...
so what if he thinks its a joint.......he is not INSIDE THE HOUSE and was invited...he dont need a warrent now.........he can search the house all he wants................NEVER LET EM IN WITHOUT A WARREN.....lock the door step outside......if he wants in make him get the warrent......that way you have a chance at fighting it.................whats the law on 2 plants where you live? Its a felony here...........
I agree. you have to be experienced to know the difference between the smell of a sack and growing plants. But I wouldn't throw that scanner away just yet either... ya never know.
I wholeheartedly agree with that; NEVER LET THEM IN! don't even open the door if you can avoid it and if you must open the door, keep your hand firmly on the knob at all times; do not just push your door closed! Close it all the way with your hand, otherwise, I've seen em claim this as a door left open, which technically it is. Be friendly, be polite, refuse entrance.
Yea I agree, NEVER let cops into your house. Even if you aren't growing and have nothing to hide you should never let them in. Lock your door and talk outside.
i would have to agree that the attention was unnecessary and that you may have attention on your plants now. i think a cop can tell the difference between a burning joint to growing plants. the candle may have just masked the smell enough to where he wasnt sure what it was. either way the safest option would be to assume you have at least SOME heat on yourself now. if it was me and i was that cop i would think something is up. then again i usually think its safer to think theres always something else going on. like maybe he asked what the smell was because he was surprised that you would let him in with that smell lurking around. then your first response was the same thing any guilty person would do and thats acting like you dont know anything. he would have felt better about it if you told him it was the candle before he told you. maybe he wanted to see your reaction at his suspicions of the candle instead. sounds like when he brought it up you may have had some type of excitement on your face like "alright this stupid cop thinks its the candle". its easy to trap people in their with body language. he didnt need it but he doesnt want embarrassment either from busting down your door for no reason. i would say that would probably be the one thing that keeps him away if he is suspicious. thats also why i would think if he is suspicious he would get more proof.
he'll be back... :P

1. dumb shouting at someone outside your house where you are growing
2 dumb letting a cop inside
You should have stepped outside and talked to the cop on the street. NEVER let them into your home if you are growing. Allowing Cops to come in when they ask is not keeping your cool.

He DID smell your plants. Now he'll have that in the back of his mind and his spidey senses will keep tingling until he does something about it.

That is what you should be thinking.

I put up with all kind of shit from people and never mouth off, flip off another motorists, etc.... There is NO sense in attracting attention to a grow.... Your incident nearly brought you down, and it may still... All that cop has to tell a judge is you voluntarily let him in and he is certain he smelled marijuana.... Signed warrant right there...

I usually do.. but I think this is the first time I've ever actually have had the cops come to my house. I've never had any problems with any of my neighbors. In fact, I get along with all my other neighbors. It was just one of those things that happened.. that I had no control over.

I actually feel better now though.. knowing that a cop actually stepped inside my house and was unable to smell anything. Just makes me feel better that this happened the way it did. I mean sure, it was scary.. but now that its over.. I feel 100% better. Plus, I know the cops aren't looking at me now.. and I can say that for a sure fact.. because if the police suspected me of growing cannabis.. the cop that was here yesterday.. would have said something to me about it. In other words.. I wouldn't be here typing this up right now.. I would be in jail.. writing a letter to RIU the old fashioned way.. ;)

Anyhow, from now on though.. I'll make sure (if I ever need the police to come out again) I'll make sure I'm outside my house waiting on them.. instead of inside. But, then again, with this situation.. I wasn't even really sure the cops were coming to my house.. figured they were going down the other side of my street.

Or, if I happen to be inside and the police ever do come to my house again.. I'll make sure I open the front door.. and close is swiftly behind me.. and handle things outside.

i would have to agree that the attention was unnecessary and that you may have attention on your plants now. i think a cop can tell the difference between a burning joint to growing plants. the candle may have just masked the smell enough to where he wasnt sure what it was. either way the safest option would be to assume you have at least SOME heat on yourself now. if it was me and i was that cop i would think something is up. then again i usually think its safer to think theres always something else going on. like maybe he asked what the smell was because he was surprised that you would let him in with that smell lurking around. then your first response was the same thing any guilty person would do and thats acting like you dont know anything. he would have felt better about it if you told him it was the candle before he told you. maybe he wanted to see your reaction at his suspicions of the candle instead. sounds like when he brought it up you may have had some type of excitement on your face like "alright this stupid cop thinks its the candle". its easy to trap people in their with body language. he didnt need it but he doesnt want embarrassment either from busting down your door for no reason. i would say that would probably be the one thing that keeps him away if he is suspicious. thats also why i would think if he is suspicious he would get more proof.

not even close man.. nice try though.

nah man, live and learn. you did what you thought would be the best at the moment and it worked, grats on the quick thinking... as everyone here knows who grows in a state that hasnt legalized marijuana yet, every time someone knocks on your door without you expecting it you FREAK OUT. its hard to keep your cool and i give you mad props. i personally dont think you have anything to worry about just as long as you havent been telling people and you work a steady job people will think your the average joe who smokes some pot. i hate cops just as much as any other person who loves their sinsemilla, but there ARE good cops out there who understand that there are much bigger problems out there than marijuana. but i would def. have to agree with everyones comment about never letting them in your house. props on being able to sit back and critique yourself about your situation with the kid, ya know thats the first step at becoming a better you. step back, look at the situation and realize how you could have acted more like yourself. ya know realizing that yelling at a little kid for being a little fucking kid really isnt how you wanna be lol. as you keep progressing youll be able to pick out the parts of you that you want to stay (in a certian situation) before the incedent happens rather than having to reminisce about it after it happens. thats what life is about, constantly and conciously trying to figure out and become a better part of yourself, while still haveing as much fun as possable. no matter what you say we are all changing every single day in some small way. sorry about the ramble, it might not make any sense to you, but the half nug of the forbidden fruit that i just smoked told me it was a good idea!

be positive and love your life-311
That sucks dude. My wife got drunk and the cops got called and came over a few weeks back. I know exactly how you felt. The cops in my situation were also cool. I invited the cops in because it was 1:00 am and raining really hard. If I would have not let them in, I would think they would have become assholes and very suspicious as to why I wouldn't let them in when it's raining cats and dogs at 1:00 in the morning. Every house is different so letting cops in may be the better choice in some rare cases. In mine it was because of weather conditions and the fact that my op was not even on the same floor let alone the same apartment as we where conversing. The real correct answer is to not do anything that brings the cops to your house in the first place. When it comes down to it, if you deny a cop entry I think that would raise suspicion enough for him to wonder why. Then all he has to say is I smell weed/meth whatever he wants to say then you're fucked--reasonable suspicion. So yeah don't get the cops called.
As others have said, never invite them into your house. When they asked me if they could come in, I would have politely said " here I will come out" and then closed the door behind me. If that happened to me though I wouldn't have had a choice because of my dog. I have a small dachshund that barks alot (especially at people at my door) that would have been going total apeshit the entire time...LMAO
good reasons to not let cops in: imaginary dogs, crazy grandparent who react violently to uniforms, hardcore civil libertarian wife who won't let you let them in, you get the idea. But the dog piss was good thinkin on your feet. nice freestyle.
the trick is to be like "Well gee fellas, I WOULD let you guys in but (insert favorite lie here)"
As others have said, never invite them into your house. When they asked me if they could come in, I would have politely said " here I will come out" and then closed the door behind me. If that happened to me though I wouldn't have had a choice because of my dog. I have a small dachshund that barks alot (especially at people at my door) that would have been going total apeshit the entire time...LMAO

Right, I need a dog for that wonderful purpose alone.
IF the cops come to your door
3. You go outside to talk to them.
4. Videotape or voice record the whole thing to cover your ass.
5. Dont have evidence around your house of your grow, roaches, incense, that 4 ft. bong in the corner, your buddy sparking up in the kitchen.
6. Dont act like a fool
10 Deny some more