Talking heads


Well-Known Member
Damn I get so frustrated watching them on tv. Oh, I can handle the spin, that's not the problem. I hate it, but I get it and can usually see through it. What really ticks me off are outright lies, and their getting away with it. Talk show hosts are weenies when they don't hold these peoples' feet to the fire.
Example: CNN's Your Money had a guy on today talking about the jobs bill. He said "Not since FDR has a president facing reelection had to deal with unemployment this high". BS. The right's Sainted One, Ronald Reagan, presided over the highest unemployment rate the country has ever seen, at 10.4 percent. And, it was at or maybe a little higher than it is now at this point in Reagan's first term.
That is just one example, and it happens to be one from the right. There are plenty from the left too. I'm just so sick of it all, and being lied to. And it won't, it can't change.
Fck. Where are my papers..


Well-Known Member
lmao i thought i was going to see this


New Member
Damn I get so frustrated watching them on tv. Oh, I can handle the spin, that's not the problem. I hate it, but I get it and can usually see through it. What really ticks me off are outright lies, and their getting away with it. Talk show hosts are weenies when they don't hold these peoples' feet to the fire.
Example: CNN's Your Money had a guy on today talking about the jobs bill. He said "Not since FDR has a president facing reelection had to deal with unemployment this high". BS. The right's Sainted One, Ronald Reagan, presided over the highest unemployment rate the country has ever seen, at 10.4 percent. And, it was at or maybe a little higher than it is now at this point in Reagan's first term.
That is just one example, and it happens to be one from the right. There are plenty from the left too. I'm just so sick of it all, and being lied to. And it won't, it can't change.
Fck. Where are my papers..
And how did Reagan deal with his recession?



Well-Known Member
And what preceded Reagan's high unemployment rate? Why, the Reagan tax cuts, of course. We went from a top rate of 60% when he took office to 50% less than 2 years later, as well as nearly a third cut from capital gains taxes. It is a fact that the most robust economies the U.S. has experienced have been when the top tax rate was 70, even 90 percent.

feff f

Active Member
And what preceded Reagan's high unemployment rate? Why, the Reagan tax cuts, of course. We went from a top rate of 60% when he took office to 50% less than 2 years later, as well as nearly a third cut from capital gains taxes. It is a fact that the most robust economies the U.S. has experienced have been when the top tax rate was 70, even 90 percent.

why stop at 70 or 90. lets just take it all.


Well-Known Member
feff f, I am not saying the rate should be 70 or 90. It was a different time. But it needs to be higher than it is, and my main point is that high taxes for the wealthy are not counter to a robust economy as they would have us believe. Trickle down is a myth, and any jobs they do create are not in the U.S.

feff f

Active Member
feff f, I am not saying the rate should be 70 or 90. It was a different time. But it needs to be higher than it is, and my main point is that high taxes for the wealthy are not counter to a robust economy as they would have us believe. Trickle down is a myth, and any jobs they do create are not in the U.S.

for the record, the rates were that high under carter. were you even alive during carter? are you saying that 10 percent unemployment, 20 percent interest rates, 7 percent inflation rates were "the good ole days"?

reagan cut personal income tax rates to 28 percent. subsequently unemployment began to nosedive and continued do trend down for about 30 years. home ownership increased because loans were now affordable. and the united states economy fueled massive economic booms all over the world.

did reagan have some negatives? sure. but if you are trying to say that reagan put us in an economic disaster, like the current administration is doing, you are gonna have a real tough sell. especially to those of us that were alive and voting at the time.


Well-Known Member
Politifacts 2009 lie of the year:

PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'Death panels'

Politifacts 2010 lie of the year:

PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'A government takeover of health care'


Well-Known Member
for the record, the rates were that high under carter. were you even alive during carter? are you saying that 10 percent unemployment, 20 percent interest rates, 7 percent inflation rates were "the good ole days"?

reagan cut personal income tax rates to 28 percent. subsequently unemployment began to nosedive and continued do trend down for about 30 years. home ownership increased because loans were now affordable. and the united states economy fueled massive economic booms all over the world.

did reagan have some negatives? sure. but if you are trying to say that reagan put us in an economic disaster, like the current administration is doing, you are gonna have a real tough sell. especially to those of us that were alive and voting at the time.
of course, jeff points out one of the worst administrations in history, who happened to preside over the recession side of the economic cycle, to try and make a point....

unemployment during the reagan years 'nosedived' because he presided over the 'expansion' side of the economic development curve.

home ownership increased during reagan because teh GOVERNMENT implemented new forms of backing home loans, with the purpose of boosting home ownership. and it worked.

BTW, reagan raised taxes after he noticed his drastic tax cuts would devastate our economy.

feff f

Active Member
of course, jeff points out one of the worst administrations in history, who happened to preside over the recession side of the economic cycle, to try and make a point....

unemployment during the reagan years 'nosedived' because he presided over the 'expansion' side of the economic development curve.

home ownership increased during reagan because teh GOVERNMENT implemented new forms of backing home loans, with the purpose of boosting home ownership. and it worked.

BTW, reagan raised taxes after he noticed his drastic tax cuts would devastate our economy.
yes, the 80's and 90's were terrible times for american economy.

poor poor obama, just got caught at the bad side of the curve.....why with the hurrican, and muslim summer, and the drought, and the racist american voters, and the tornado, and......classic, really classic.

feff f

Active Member
of course, jeff points out one of the worst administrations in history, who happened to preside over the recession side of the economic cycle, to try and make a point....

this made me giggle so much i just had to quote it twice. and raises a question, what side of the "economic cycle" would you say poor poor barry obama is presiding over?