Tangerine Dream possibly 'bleaching a little bit.

Mister Black

Active Member
Noticed my TD plant is becoming a more light green colour especially in comparason to a new blue widow seedling I' growing. Is this the first sign of a problem which could become worse? What can I do to get it nice and dark green again?grow day 19 007.jpg
The inside area of new growth is what's suppose to be bright green but I'm seeing really light green in the actual leaf tips/ends. You should be feeding your plant 1/4 strength nutes at this stage. You will notice they will start to take off really good too. TD is an awesome strain to do, I have grown it and took good notes on its grow patterns etc. Let me know if you have any questions. Just pm me.


Active Member
your sprout looks perfectly fine. typically i don't feed till its about twice as tall. depending on your soil the nutrience in it will sustain it for about the 1st month of growth if not longer.