Tap or rain water?


Well-Known Member
Rain water also has a lower ph than tap water, least in this part o the world. Prob wouldnt need to fret over the ph factor with rainwater. Generally if you have evergreen trees which will grow on your plot of earth the soil is on the acidic side. Now if you lived in Death Valley you would most likely have a high ph in the dirt. Guess that is why a person dont see many Pine trees in Death Valley.


Active Member
Rain water without a doubt. Well water is better than city water. but rain takes the cake. If you can gather rain water its best to do so during a thunder storm when the nitrogen levels are at the highest.

p.s. Lighting is the nitrogen source

Kash Krop

Well-Known Member
"p.s. Lighting is the nitrogen source"

Not trying to rain on your parade AH69 but,lighting is a source of ozone.If your close to where lighting strikes,you can smell ozone in the air.
Nitrogen is taken from the air as rain falls,after all nitrogen makes up over 70% of the "air" around us.


Active Member
duh. I was putting that in there for the people that didnt know that K K. Not to rerain on your smart a comment