Taproot snapped. Am I fcked?

I soak my seeds in water for 4-12+ hrs and sometimes they germ in that short amount of time....but after I put them in soil works great

Napkins often have added chemicals lik formaldehyde plus dyes and inks...that's why I stopped using them
Well i use paper towels and have 0 problems just be gentle and use plain white kitchen towels if dyes etc worry you and be watchful i think thats the main thing i literally popped 5 exo s1s for a friend last night so in like 14 or 15 hours 4 have just cracked open a bit waiting on the last one then its into dirt 0 heat mat nothing fancy just in a tub with wet paper towels in a drawer with a towel over it for extra dark keep it simple some may prefer straight into dirt i just find doing it this way easier whatever works for you go with that dont get me wrong if its old or landrace i do pop straight in dirt but thats different from normal strains imo.

@newbie17777777 It might survive or die be careful and put it into moist soil and wait and see its all u can do at this point you live and you learn
Why do people get off watching seeds germ in a napkin. Other than germing sprouts to eat, It doesn’t exist in any other facets of cultivation. Put it in the soil/media like Mother Nature intended and avoid this
Il give you that i dont do it with any herbs veg or fruit and i aint just into growing weed idk i just always did it with cannabis cos it worked for me and as the saying goes if it aint broke dont fix it
It doesn't get simpler than directly sowing in soil...I think the paper towel thing came about because humans love to complicate things...I'm guilty of it I used a paper towel for a long time but quit when I went organic

But having a carcinogen in our paper towels is what did it for me not the simplicity although it's a bonus lol

If you were a breeder doing a germ test then yea a paper towel would be great imo

Plant seed add water lol simple directions...(filtered water that is)

I WISH THE BEST OF LUCK TO YOU @newbie17777777
I have better luck with a plain damp napkin or paper towel but like everyone has stated, do your own thing what works best for you. Maybe start 2 seeds one in paper towel one in seedling pot filled with soil and see what works better for you