Taproot/Sprouting problems (7 Days and still no sprout)


Active Member
I'm beginning to wonder what I'm doing wrong. I used the paper towel method and within 2-3 days, I had good size taproots sticking out from both of my seeds. I planted them 1/4''-1/2'' inch deep in some FF Ocean Forest potting soil placed in their own dixie cups, making sure there were plenty of drainage holes on the bottom. I also mixed in some perlite, made sure the soil was moist but not super wet, and watered a little bit every other day, just enough so a few drops leaks out from the bottom. I also made sure they got 18 hours of light, (12 hours natural sun, 6 hours under 2 23w CFL's housed in reflective domes), placing them about an inch away from the cups. I made sure the soil was a bit loose and not too compact as well.

Yet today, I went to check up on them, only to discover that neither has taken root, but are still in the taproot+seed stage, a good 6-7 days after I planted them in soil. In fact, one of the taproots has gotten noticeably shorter since I last saw it when I first planted in the soil. What the hell is going on?

I know people said it'll take a while to sprout sometimes, even up to 10 days, but I'm beginning to worry that maybe I did something wrong. Is this a common problem related to something as lets say overwatering? It can't be pH related since I made sure to balance out the water with pH Down, leaving it out for a few days so it sits at a perfect 6.5. Even when measuring the water after its mixed into the soil, it reads in at about 7, neutral.

Man...I'm getting frustrated - this is my third try at this, but last time I got stalled at the sprout stage, and this time its beginning to look the same. Maybe I should just switch to the damn Jiffy Pots for sprouts.


Active Member
Spraying the surface of the cup instead of wetting it until water comes out from the holes is a better way in my opinion. Once you put your seed under ground, water the cup throughly with a water sprayer until some water drains from the holes, then just spray the surface a little everyday until it sprouts.


Active Member
I've tried both - misting with a spray, and also I only planted about 1/4'' to 1/2'' inch into the soil (roughly 1.4 cm).


Well-Known Member
I think you're watering it too much. The reason that a plants roots grow is to search out water and nutrients. You're not giving it a chance to do that. Thats why they say to let the dirt dry out before watering again. Maybe you're drowning the little thing. The grow medium should be moist, not wet all the time. Just my opinion. Good luck.


Active Member
Oh man, I completely forgot about making the roots reach and search for moisture :O. I'll try to extend the wait period between waterings to about 2 days or so.



Well-Known Member
Like I said, you really want to wait for the dirt to dry out quite a bit. Unless the dirt is dry two inches down from the top, I'd wait longer than two days before watering again. Just stick your finger in the dirt up to your second knuckle. If it's still moist DON'T water it. Also, when you do water it again, add half the amount of Hydrogen Peroxide to the water you use. If you use a cup of water, use half a cup of H2O2 with it. Peroxide is just water with an EXTRA oxygen molecule on the side. It will help add oxygen to the soil if you continue to overwater.