I recently picked a bud or two a little early from my plant, just to get an idea of what the rest of her is going to be like and well... it tasted horrible.. It kinda burned the back of my throat and left this absence of taste lingering around in my mouth. Almost like it numbed my taste buds, and the roof of my mouth. Anyone else ever have this happen to them? They were only maybe about 4 weeks into flower also. My soil is run of the mill miracle grow (with the time release fertilizer balls). I used regular tap water left out to sit for a day or two for watering. And their was absolutely nothing else added, no nutrients, no anything. The bud was left to dry on top of a new clean Ziploc bag for about 4 days, it was smaller popcorn buds, to small to hang. Any ideas on why it left this taste guys and gals?