Tasties Native to Missouri Ozarks?


Active Member
So I know to look for Gymnopilus sapineus, Panaeolus papilionaceus and Panaeolus subbalteatus (Have yet to spot any :cry: ) And I just found over 50 babies of what I believe to be Desmanthus illinoensis growing wildly & randomly, also found some empty, dried seed pod husks for what I think might just be Desmanthus Leptolobus / Bundle flower ***Much dancing of the Happy variety*** I've heard rumor that Belladonna is regional as well but again, too early in the summer for me to identify. (Had a rather cold spring so the greenery is off to a slow start :-| ) And thats about as much of a local list of things to be on the lookout for as I've managed to compile thus far. So I just figured I'd poll and Troll a bit to find if theres anything which has slipped thru the cracks of my observations and research?