tearing first true leaves off

My friend and I went to check out my little ones. And i told hime two had dry leaves because of heat stress. He just picked up the container and cut half the fucking leaves off with his pocket knife before I knew what he was doing. He said because the plant is wasting energy on those leaves. Correct me if i'm wrong the first true leaves are important. I say they are he says their not.


Active Member
First off tell your friend to keep his hands to his own plants!! That being said, the plant will continue to try to send water and nutrients throughout itself even with a damaged leaf. Some say remove damaged leaves if they are beyond 50% damaged, while I have seen (albeit only a few) people say to cut leaves in half (damaged area off). My thought is even when it's damaged, it's still photosynthesizing on the living tissue, and the damaged/browner part that's dry, won't send or receive anything. If you cut, it now has to heal again. I only remove leaves that either are dead and about to fall of anyways, or if the canopy is so thick, that everything underneath is completely shaded. And even then it's a bate minimum to allow light through. Leaves are more than solar panels for plant life. They allow breathing and transpiration (if thTs the technical term for it ).
Lol I told him he has his own meds go cut the leaves off those. I'm just hoping the poor bugger survives. If it dies i'm taking one of his plants. Costed me 15 dollars a bean. While he got his for free.
Thanks guys it's about 9-10 days old it seems do be doing fine the third seed of leaves are growing retardly fastt compared to the others.


Active Member
I have to agree with the guy in the third comment. Cutting leaves doesn't do anything but make you feel involved. The plant will take care of leaves it doesn't see fit to keep. Chopping them off only diverts energy to healing.