teen vaping epidemic...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

so what have we learned in the last 60 or so years of "the war on drugs" ? that launching a crackdown on a particular substance or practice will surely cause people to stop doing it :roll: . that teens take advertisements in the toilet seriously.
that teens listen to a goddamn thing adults say once adults stop saying it.......
and of course, now that we have that pesky opioid problem well under control, we have all the time and resources to spare trying to keep kids from vaping weed

so what have we learned in the last 60 or so years of "the war on drugs" ? that launching a crackdown on a particular substance or practice will surely cause people to stop doing it :roll: . that teens take advertisements in the toilet seriously.
that teens listen to a goddamn thing adults say once adults stop saying it.......
and of course, now that we have that pesky opioid problem well under control, we have all the time and resources to spare trying to keep kids from vaping weed

Yeah, wonder if it has anything to do with tdrump's disinformation crusade to make weed look bad so no other states will legalize?

That said they are easy to transport/ship but I'm sure no carts leave legal states. :?
It's your body, do what you want. But, seeing how there's no long term studies on its safety, I think someone would have to be kinda :dunce: to start if they don't already smoke. Inhaling unneeded foreign material is never a good idea. But it's not about safety, it's about control and, most likely, someone's hurt wallet. Cigarette companies? Insurance companies? I guessing a little of both.
Wait till they learn how a weed vape hits.
It is quarter past nine in the morning and I am ripped.

I personally gave vapers a hard time before. But, I now understand, vaping and smoking have very little in common. There is a small window during which you want the vape experience to be similar to smoking a cigarette, and you will choose flavors like tobaccos to help the transition from ciggies. But then you get exposure to all the non-tobacco flavors and soon the tobacco is not attractive anymore. With or without nicotine. It has been only about 2 months now that I quit smoking, and I am not even in the slightest interested in smoking again. Not even a puff.

So, my daughter gets to have a dad for a bit longer... how is that bad for the children?
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Wait till they learn how a weed vape hits.
It is quarter past nine in the morning and I am ripped.

I personally gave vapers a hard time before. But, I now understand, vaping and smoking have very little in common. There is a small window during which you want the vape experience to be similar to smoking a cigarette, and you will choose flavors like tobaccos to help the transition from ciggies. But then you get exposure to all the non-tobacco flavors and soon the tobacco is not attractive anymore. With or without nicotine. It has been only about 2 months now that I quit smoking, and I am not even in the slightest interested in smoking again. Not even a puff.

So, my daughter gets to have a dad for a bit longer... how is that bad for the children?

It's funny. I quit smoking cigs and started vaping about 2 years ago. In that time, I've almost gone back to cigs a few times because of all the goofy flavors, fruits, desserts, even the synthetic tobacco flavors were nasty. I LOVE tobacco and really missed its flavor. Then I found Black Note ejuices that are extracted from real, quality tobacco. Now I don't crave cigs at all, all BN's varieties are fantastic, but I usually just vape my favorite 3. They are expensive, but only a fraction of what actual smoking costs... in $ and in health...
They never say actually how long, long term is. I want to know what's going to happen in 30, 40, 50 years. Safer, still doesn't mean safe. The issue isn't with smokers converting, it's younger people starting, when, if it wasn't an option, they wouldn't be be using any inhaled products.

I, personally, never understood the want to smoke, so it's a perplexing thing to me. I don't even really like smoking weed, I know I should be switching to oil cartridges over flower, but until I can manufacture my own, or get commercial products, I don't trust the black market stuff, same reason I started growing. Those videos did make me feel a little better about PG, but it's still one of my bigger concerns. I had read it's approved for food and medical use, but its never been tested for inhalation safety, because it's not used for those types of products usually.
I know I should be switching to oil cartridges over flower,
I bought a Boundless Tera, it uses a tiny bit of weed at a time, and it vaporizes it... it feels like you smoked 2 joints by the time you are done... No additives, no solvents, just ground flowers. Even brickweed tastes good. It comes with two genuine good 18650 cells and charges them perfectly to 4.2V over USB if needs be... better than my fucking mod or any mod I've seen for that matter.

so what have we learned in the last 60 or so years of "the war on drugs" ? that launching a crackdown on a particular substance or practice will surely cause people to stop doing it :roll: . that teens take advertisements in the toilet seriously.
that teens listen to a goddamn thing adults say once adults stop saying it.......
and of course, now that we have that pesky opioid problem well under control, we have all the time and resources to spare trying to keep kids from vaping weed
Even the teens in my western village

think they can escape the nicotine addiction by sucking e-ciggs

doomb ass they are

Zyban was my way

tho it took 2 fooking years (I like spliffs..still do)
Wait till they learn how a weed vape hits.
It is quarter past nine in the morning and I am ripped.

I personally gave vapers a hard time before. But, I now understand, vaping and smoking have very little in common. There is a small window during which you want the vape experience to be similar to smoking a cigarette, and you will choose flavors like tobaccos to help the transition from ciggies. But then you get exposure to all the non-tobacco flavors and soon the tobacco is not attractive anymore. With or without nicotine. It has been only about 2 months now that I quit smoking, and I am not even in the slightest interested in smoking again. Not even a puff.

So, my daughter gets to have a dad for a bit longer... how is that bad for the children?
I gotta tell you my little hand held vapes are nothing compared to my Volcano. They do the job but the Volcano will drop me. I honestly don't care for the vape high. I prefer the products of combustion, but I'm old.