Tell me how im doing

i would post pictures but my gf wont let me use her camera for "drugs" hahaha

basicaly im using 2 27watt usage CFL on each side of the plant 2 & 1/3 inches away at the moment and 1 18w soft white CFL directly 1 inch above the plant. Ive got "her" in a 5 inch tall 6 inch wide clay pot and ive been using tap water (ive been filling up a cup and letting it sit for 3 days then i water) ive been watering every 2-3 days and "she's" in miracle-grow all purpose soil (said no need to feed for 9 months on the bag) i havent used ANY nutes or anything and its about 3 inches tall. The plant/sprout is 9 days old. today i went to go get fertilizer cause i feel like the plant should be bigger by now. Like a noob i bought some "SUPERthrive" stuff thinking it was plant food but it says to MIX with plant food. you guys think ill be alright sense theirs already some sort of fertilizer in the soil? also i saw a brand called "dynamite" or something along those lines any feedback on this? also im growing with some shawg seeds.

BTW before i get bashed or anything id just like o say this is on a lowest as possible budget and im not really trying to have a huge yield i just wanna smoke my own bud nothing more

also THANK YOU to all the great members on this site ive been lurking for almost a year and now finally ready to give it a try on my own


Well-Known Member
your lights sound good, you know the color temps? also if youre just groing to grow then just treat it like a plant no need for all this fancy stuff if youre not going to go bigger or go hydro or something
yes the 18watt is SOFT WHITE and the 2 27watts say "ecosmart" but the are definitely more"white" than the soft white.

btw doctor.j big ups to another north texan, 75 and 635 is where im at (trying not to reveal my location)


Well-Known Member
by color temp im talkin about degrees kelvin, most dont show on the bulb but they do on the box
yea the only other info i got is the lumens...... 27watt=1750 each 18watt =1200, i saved the packaging but i honestly cant find anything in kelvin. ill try looking again when my brains less fried


Well-Known Member
yeah lumens dont really matter when u have that many bulbs for one plant, but idk my color temp for individual bulbs i just know its mixed and its doing fine so u should be as well
okay its officialy been 8 or 9 hours since i watered my plants with mixed SUPERthrive and WOW! is really all i have to say and no i do not work for superthrive or have any affiliation. But i will say the plant Feels and LOOKS stronger the leaves now stick straight out instead of kidna drooping and the stem is sticking straight up. the plant definatley looks more "stiff"


Well-Known Member
If the plant is 3 inches tall at 9 days old it might be stretching. There are aren't any pictures but might I suggest you lower the lights a bit to thicken up the stem?


Well-Known Member
height dont mean shit if its got a lot of space between leaves, in a small space the less stretched the better, thats why i do 24 hours when veg and slowly work it to 12/12 to flower