temp and ventilation trade-off


Active Member
hi everyone!

latley we're having cold nights, and the temp in the closet goes down to around 60F. bcz i have 2 vents (one monster vent that takes air out and a small one for intake) i turned off the big one, and the temps are ok but the air doesnt feel so fresh.

i didnt mention - my plants are in middle-end of flowering.

i also thought maybe put the big vent on the timer to go on for 15min every 2 hours. is that a good idea? bcz the temp wont be stable, is that a problem?



Well-Known Member
environments that are unstable will cause shock to the plant. not saying it will, but it can.

second. you always want fresh air. stagnant air is never good. its a good-hello -invitation-nice-to-see-you-move-into-the-neighborhood handshake to things like mold, pest, fungus, bacteria all kinds of shit....


Well-Known Member
60 degrees is still tolerable, so I'd keep the vents on. You don't want it much lower than that though. It also depends on the strain somewhat; an equatorial strain that is used to growing in 115 degrees will definitely not be happy in 60 degrees, but I doubt you have such a strain.


Well-Known Member
I am having the same problem. My solution has been to run my exhaust fan 5 mins every 15 mins during the dark cycle. I was getting down to 57f.


Active Member
ok, thanks for the responses, but still, what should i do?
keep it on all the time and let the temp drop or turn it on for 15min every hour or 2 and keep it warmer but not stable?


Well-Known Member
I have similar issues-I put a thermostatic fan a little way in front of the vent so it pulls in some clean air, but also dries and re-circulates air in the tent. Seems to be working fine, good temps and low humidity during lights off. Use your normal extraction during lights on. It's always going to have to be a compromise I am afraid, just have to do what you can.


Well-Known Member
If it only goes to down to 60, then yea, that's fine, just keep them on. Having it on for spurts will be bad because it will create sudden changes in the environment which is no good.


Active Member
ok im still having trouble...

i tried reducing the vents as much as i could. the lights are on till 8am, and when the lights go out the vents also stop. the problem is in the following hours, when the temp goes down as low as 53.

what can i do? should i install some kind of heating? should i just be patient and leave it be?


Active Member
i would install some sort of portable heater with a thermostat. If it gets too hot in the summer, you have A/C to alleviate high heat right? a heater is the quickest, stress free solution.


Well-Known Member
Uh yea...a space heater. 53 is bad. That will definitely slow down growth and stress the plant since it's a daily occurrence.