Increasing Potency, GROWTH, Yield and Trichomes
1) Plant health- It's obvious,but important to state having a healthy plant will produce more trichomes. I try not to throw any plants into flowering unless there all healthy and mature,,plants will not reach there full potential if they are sick or immature. So try to resolve all health issues prior to flipping to 12/12
2) Cool room- having your temp lower in flowering will be producing more resin, trichs.
3) Genetics-(I will talk about this a little later),but obviously you want the best genetics possible to be able to have more potential.......... Got to be Indica
Now the spooky advise:
How to increase Trichomes, Production, Yield
1) Very low humidity in BLOOMING- I think most people know that dryer conditions are more condusive to resin production. From my experience and from talking to other people in the industry,,its good to have extremely low humidity DURING FLOWERING, NOT IN VEG
Try to shoot for 15% humidifity in flowering,,keeping it nice and dry
HAVE extreme temps, within range, like 80s in day, 60s in night.
2) UVB lighting- there has been a lot of research and tests that indicate that exposing BUDS to UVB lighting in flowering increases trichome production. Naturally in parts of the world with high levels of UVB like Afghanastan or kush valley or Thailand have high levels of UVB in there atmosphere. Its believed the leaves makes a "Sun scream" to protect from the uvb. that sun screen people say are trichomes. Adding UVB lighting in flowering DOES increase trichome production if done correctly
*** UVB lighting is dangerous, it can cause skin cancer,and can turn you blind. You cant see the light it omits, but if your under it for 10-20 min you will get a sunburn. As long as the UVB is on in your grow area, you don't walk in while its on. As long as you do this everything is fine. I recommend you do from 6-8 hours in flowering starting around 2nd-3rd week of flowering. Start 1 hour a day and gradually increase to 6-8 hours,,,starting in the middle of its 12 hour cycle. Keep the UVB at least 2 feet away from your canopy. Get the reptile lights,,there cheap..they come in .5 and .10 uvb .10 is better obviously,,and they make special lamps to hold them,if you want a reflector for it. Make sure to rig the uvb to a seperate timer,to go on 6 hour into the light period. Please use caution with this,and dont go in there if the uvb is on
3) Intentional Stress- When your approaching the end of your flowering cycle,you start to stress the plant out. When plants THINK they Are dying ,the only thing they know how to do is grow or try to reproduce. if you start to stress them it is believed by many that the plant will try to get stickier in order to do be able to catch more pollen from a flowering male.
When you do this,there are some methods I use,and some things to keep in mind
**Never do this for more then 14 days before your harvest. The key here is to stress them out just enough, to not give them time to turn hermaphrodite on you. You have to estimate when you think you might have 14 days left,start and harvest no more then 14 days after. - kick the plant pots everyday,shake the plant a little everyday, give it a few minutes of HIGH FAN a wind storm.
- take little thumb tacks, drive them into every branch on the plant right below the last node. Do not break anything,,or drive big things. Just a tack into every're not damaging,,your just pissing her off a little.
TWISTING- hold one part of the large stem between a thumb and finger, and one inch higher, hold one part of the large stem between a thumb and finger, and TWIST it, to damage it.
Take your fignernail and scrap a piece of skin (bark) off, the size of a penny on the larger stems.
- I know a lot of people like to do 24 hours of darkness,at harvest,,try 2 days of darkness before u chop,or even mess with the light schedule a little,,i know this seems crazy but it works.