Temperature control


Well-Known Member
hey guys

i got a ac unit

i need a temperature controller that i can set at 80degrees and so the ac wont be on all of the time. i need something i can plug the ac into

let me know if you know of a place or what i need

does any1 know if they sell something like this at homedepot?

let me know what you guys use



Well-Known Member
Call Home Depot and ask them if they carry such a thing. Seems logical people don't want to leave their ac on all day. And the controls on the unit (at least ours) don't indicate a temp.


Active Member
yes a thermostat keeps the room at a constant temp. , below 80 degrees itll turn the ac on, when it reads that it is 80 degrees, it shuts the ac off.


Well-Known Member
why not just get an a/c unit with a thermostat and timer built in? U can get a nice one that would be perfectly suitable for a closet grow for about $100. Check K-Mart and Target. I'm not sure if they have them anywhere else, I haven't looked. I'm sure they do would though.