Temperature vs Potency


Active Member
Will high temperatures during flowering drastically lower the potency of the ripened flowers? I'm curious because I've got some lovely looking sativas 38 days from 12/12 with temps at 36 C/ lights on and 31 C/ lights off. Humidity has been kept under 60% with good air circulation, some ghetto CO2 enrichment and 800 W of light. (MH/HPS combo) I live in a tropical region, so apart from buying an air-conditioner and running it 24/7 during the summer months I don't have many options. The plants look healthy and buds are forming nicely, but I'm afraid the heat will somehow inhibit resin production. Any information would be helpful.


Well-Known Member
I don't know any actual numbers far as any tests done with different temps. But think about it, most marijuana originates from hot, tropical/desert climates. So I would think unless things get WAY hot, you'll be fine. last year I had mine outside under 100 degree plus temps and it grew and flowered like gangbusters


Active Member
when i was researching about growing a came across an artical called temperature and potency,
it says- there are only afew published papers on the effects of temp on potency' the best study we've seen 19 grew four different varieties in a controlled enviroment under artifical lights on a 15-hr day-lenght. two temperature regimes were used, a "warm" regime, with temps of about 73f during the day, and 61f at night (about average for most homes) and a "hot" regime set at 90f daytime and 73f at night. In all four varieties the concentration of thc and of total cannabinoids, was higher under the "warm" regime. for instance, a nepalese strain was 3.4 times higher in concentration of total cannabiooids. and 4.4 times higher in thc when growen under the "warm" regime than the same strain growen under the "hot" regime. although we agree with the findings in principle, these figures are higher than our experience tells us.

hop that helps, scunk


Active Member
The strain I'm growing is Jock Herrer crossed with a Mexican sativa, so hopefully her tropical pedigree can withstand the temps. Thanks for the input guys.


Active Member
One of my buddies has no choice but to battle heat. He grows in a very hot room compared to what most people think is good for the plants. He keeps them well watered wtih good air movement. He rocks for both yield and potency. Of all the factors, I think some may spend to much time stressing over heat. He doesn't and he smiles.