

My grow closet is getting too hot I think. We are experiencing very hot temperatures and drought conditions outside. My closet is upstairs and the heat is bad. I don't use a cool tube. Just a couple of fans. I don't know what soil temp is but air temp at seedling level is 91 degrees. I'm going to move everything into a spare bedroom, board off the window and turn the entire room into a grow room although I use the room as my art studio. I think the larger area will bring temps down. When we go into winter the room is upstairs with central heat and will be cozy just fine.

What is the ideal temperature for weed? I don't know this strain. Is there a ballpark figure?


Well-Known Member
seedlings like it up around the 90's and humid Plants grow best between 70 - 83ish degrees, budding plants can use more heat 83 - 87 with relatively low humidity 30% RH

hope that helps