Temporary smell cover up


Active Member
allright I got family coming over for thanksgiving, and I need to have something to cover up the smell for a day maybe 2. I have incense, candles, matches, renuzit (pop up air fresheners from walmart), lysol (more of a cleaner but when in a pinch), and febreeze. but what can I use that will last if I have to leave da house for a while wit family here. Im very close to harvest, but it probly wont be till after turkey day. any suggestions?:confused:


Active Member
oh yeah, it just that i went a lil half assed on my carbon filters to make my box discreet. However my aunt (who is staying at my place w/ her husband n little kids) is an x-hippie, im pretty sure my dad used to smoke weed, and my mom, didn't smoke but, had a room mate in college that smoked in da room n even was nice enough to spill da bong on her bed n leave it for her to clean up. Then theres my lil sister who used to smoke way too much now gets pissed if she hears bout me smokein a lil even though she still uses it (stupidly, as in i am asking to get caught kinda ways). So I gotta REALLY keep da smell down or covered for just a couple days. I wont even be smokeing in this time period so its just a grow related issue.


Well-Known Member
Smoke a lot of weed in the house ;)


A lot of people automatically assume weed when you light up incense sticks 3 times a day.

Automatic odor killing dispensers and pot pouri work for me. Dispensers spray a shot of deodorant every 30 minutes which wofts through the house smothering odor and freshening at the same time. Get the flavor that specifically says 'kills odors'.

Im assuming you are already using carbon filters, that being the case then it is the odor that comes into your living area from opening the door to your grow area. Best to leave that till everyone is asleep.

I would wait till theyre all snoozing then also open up all the main house doors and let the air circulate too.

Human noses dont need much to cover over a weaker smell. All they need is a stronger smell.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, it just that i went a lil half assed on my carbon filters to make my box discreet. However my aunt (who is staying at my place w/ her husband n little kids) is an x-hippie, im pretty sure my dad used to smoke weed, and my mom, didn't smoke but, had a room mate in college that smoked in da room n even was nice enough to spill da bong on her bed n leave it for her to clean up. Then theres my lil sister who used to smoke way too much now gets pissed if she hears bout me smokein a lil even though she still uses it (stupidly, as in i am asking to get caught kinda ways). So I gotta REALLY keep da smell down or covered for just a couple days. I wont even be smokeing in this time period so its just a grow related issue.
Definately no incense sticks then. They WILL know what you are trying to cover up since they would have used them themselves to cover up weed smoke.


Active Member
Thanks jonus, u know if walmart sells the dispencers, or somewhere i can get it cheap Im a lil strapped for cash right now seeing as how black friday is comeing up n im bout to spend more than i can really afford on frineds n family.


Well-Known Member
keeping the smell from moving from your grow room to the other rooms in your house means controlling the air flow from the grow room to other rooms in your house. You can control the air flow by only allowing a small area of an opening as the inlet to the grow room and placing a fan directly in front of that hole (on the inside of the grow room facing in so that the fan is sucking fresh air into the grow room).. then get an air blower (I have a 185 CFM blower for a 10'x10'x4' closet that runs continously) which is connected via ducting to a vent to the outside.. with enough positive air flow into the grow room, there will be no air escaping the room (negative flow) back into your house and there will be no smell (outside of the grow room of course :)
good luck!