10 years ago today, while drinking my morning orange juice, i saw the first plane hit, then the second. At 1st i thought it was CGI, some new action movie about planes hitting buildings etc...
then i slowly realized that it was real. I sat at home, didnt even bother calling into work that day, i knew my life would forever be different.
about 1:00pm i got in my car and drove to the closest arms service recruiting center and signed up to fight..... within a year i was boots down in the desert.
that single morning has had more effect on my life than any other i can fathom. It made me remember that as English speakers we need to treat eachother better...because at the end of the day, there are millions of extremist assholes that would cut your eyes out for your decadent ways....etc. Treat your countrymen better, we are all on the same team. In Uk and USA we have far more access to the awesomeness that our relative freedoms afford, and for that we are targeted as evil and morally wrong, which many of us are...lol
But never forget at the end of the day, you have to fight for your piece of the pie, for your right to be safe and free. If you dont like something, stand up and fight. In our softie ass, baby safe world, a good fight is often seen as a terrible outlandish thing. But if someone is trying to take your pie, FIGHT. If someone riots in YOUR citys braking your homes and shops, FIGHT. If some crazy fucks crash planes into your buildings and murder tons of innocents, FIGHT and FIGHT hard.
I love the UK and teh USA... and i pray for teh souls of every man woman and child lost ten years ago, and to all those killed and hurt in the aftermath.