Tent extractor hole (200mm) too big for tubing and carbon filter (150mm) Any fixes? Thanks.


Active Member
Hi, beginner here, starting my first grow.I bought a "tester" tent for the first time - 90x90x180 cm. It has a 150mm extraction holeLogically, I also bought 150mm tubing, 150mm carbon filter and AC infinity S6, which I think also has 150mm attachment size - so all in all - everything fits pefectly.

However, I will buy a bigger tent aoon - 120x120x200 cm, but all of them have 200mm+ outlet holes.

My question - If my AC infinity is 150mm, my tubing is 150mm , carbon filter is 150mm, but the extractor hole (where I use AC Ifinity to suck the air out) is 200mm, how can I make sure there are no air leaks? How to attach the tubing and carbon filter to the bigger etractor hole? (AC infinity isnt connected to extraction hole, its outside the tent, connected to tubing )

I just CANNOT find 120x120x200cm tent which has 150mm outlet..... and I dont want to waste money,since I already have a working 150mm filter and 150mm tubing.

I would appreciate any advice, thank you.
Most tents have draw strings at the ducting holes both inside & outside the tent so you can put any size ducting(that will fit) through & then pull the draw strings tight around it
You haven’t got the tent yet
Almost a 100% chance they have draw strings
You don’t want the vent and the openings to be the same size anyways
I thought I might add in that considering you already have a 90X90 tent which is really only good for a mother plant under a 100-150w led quantum board or a 250w metal halide. Why not jump up to the 150X150X200cm tent? Chuck a 450w led or a 600w HID(which your 150 AC Infinity could handle easily) then 8 weeks later depending on the strain you choose start preparing to dry 1-1.5lbs of nice buds(skills depending of corse)
I thought I might add in that considering you already have a 90X90 tent which is really only good for a mother plant under a 100-150w led quantum board or a 250w metal halide. Why not jump up to the 150X150X200cm tent? Chuck a 450w led or a 600w HID(which your 150 AC Infinity could handle easily) then 8 weeks later depending on the strain you choose start preparing to dry 1-1.5lbs of nice buds(skills depending of corse)

Hi, thanks for suggestion. I currently have Kingbrite 240w with cree (good ones?) red diodes I plant on buying mars hydro SP 3000, so in total I would have 540 watts.

Is 540 enough for 150x150x200cm tent?
25 sq feet = about 22watts for dquare feet - isnt that a bit low? I know with modern LEDs (is Kingbrite with cree red and Mars SP3000 viewed as high qiality/modern?, I dunno) you dont need the recommened 30-50 watts per sq feet (well 50 at least)... But 22 still seems a bit low, but hey, I am a total noob here :)

Everyone who commented - thanks folks. You are right, there is a drawstring :)