Tent Getting Up to Around 90F Sometimes with New Dehumidifier


Active Member
Tent getting up to around 90F sometimes with new dehumidifier :(

I have a 6inch fan pulling the air from in the tent thru the carbon filter hanging at the top of the tent, thru the reflector, thru the 6inch fan and out the tent.

Without the dehumidifier I was getting about 75F but the RH was like 70% so i got the dehumidifier from a freind for free and it brings the RH down to about 38-45% but the temp gets up to 82-90F :( DAMNIT!! of course...

There is a velcro vent hole right behind it too that I have open to try and vent out some of that hot air.

What u guys think??


Well-Known Member
sounds like you are exhausting back into the room where your tent is situated.

Exhaust away from the room where your tent is situated and temps should come down.

If you are already doing this then please give more specifics about your setup for me to help.



Active Member
I'm a little bit confused too, but I think you're saying your carbon filter is in you tent on the top..? Or on top of your tent. Either way, the carbon filter blows out the warm air from the light and heats up whatever room it is in. Try to place the exhaust somewhere outside of the room where your tent is.


Active Member

That was taken right after I set it up. Now the light is at up as high as it can be and the ducting from the filter to the light and light to the fan is pretty much level.

All the small plants in this pic are actually gone now due to male's and no room :(

The Dehumidifier is between 2 of the big Wonder Womans up against the right wall. Behind it is a velcro pull away "vent hole" with a screen. I have that open with a lil fan outside the screen in desperate attempt to PULL the hot air away from inside the tent. But last night it was getting to like 90F frickin degrees. And its only get hotter where im at :( fml.... Im thinkin an ac is gonna be the only option I just dont have 400 frickin dollars to spend on a portable...


Active Member
the exhaust going out of the tent is like ten feet away from the tent. And there is a 4inch fan blowing fresh air in at the bottom left.


Active Member
i belive thats the htg supply tent , i have the same tent...That back flap = light leaks so dont let it open during dark period

i have cut my own intake holes near the bottom of the tent one on each the right side and left and 3 in the back above that annoying flap using htgs 4'' cooling flanges and attached some ducting to the flanges bent ofc to block light getting in...also have black panty hose around the ducting ends to collect the dirt..ii do not use cooltube i just have my cabon filter/fan combo blowing air out the top of the tent (the 6'' hole at the top on the right side of tent) ... oh i also keep a twin size black bed sheet around the entire front half of the tent (that zipper is NOT light proof and there are plenty of "pin" holes around the removable velcro vent flaps...

In other words - Fuck this tent...and runnin it in a bedroom that you also hangout in...Cant wait to get the $$ to build my own stealth dresser or something.

hope something ive said above has helped lol / mass rambling there. btw i only use a 250watt hps................. and it raises my ambient bedroom tempt quite well...its nice in the winter...Gotta get my exhaust blowing into seperate room/outside soon its been in the 89-90 degrees all week in my region.


Active Member
Ya I have actually hung some pillow cases and sheets around where all open holes are and in front of the zippers.

I was also thinkin of cutting some more holes.

Can anyone tell me how crucial it is to just have and intake and exauhst with no open vent holes? Right now there is one 8 inch (with a screen covering it and a pillow case hanging to block any light) and the pull away velcro one right behind the dehumidifier. and I was thinking of opening another one or two with temps staying at like 90F during the day and about 80 and night...