Tent growers I have a question.

I'm growing in a 3x3 tent and I was hoping other tent growers could hlep me. I'm just curious what fans people are using and how they hang/mount them in the tent. And I'm not talking intake or exhaust fans, fans actually moving the air around in the tent. I have a box fan and a 6" desk fan.


Well-Known Member
I have a couple boards on a mount I made that goes in the tent and flush against the inner wall I mount my oscillating fan this but my ductwork and inline fans are on serperately from this


Active Member
I use fans in the link above and they work well. I am in a small 2x3x5 tent and use two of them. I either clip them on or hang from bungy cords attached to cross bars on top of tent.


Well-Known Member
I use clip fans on the support poles blowing on the tops and an adjustable 12" on the bottom blowing up through the canopy and it works well for me.