Tent size for one plant? does reflectivity count?


New Member
I'm a newbie and about to purchase my setup and was wondering if the closeness of the tent sidewalls would make a difference in plant growth, as far as light reflectivity? I plan on one plant at a time as I'm an old fart in a rural area with no other smoke partners. 3, 4 oz's a year would be good for me with much more being overkill. My thoughts were, would a 2 x 2 be better than a 4 x 4? I plan on using only one autocob 3500 light and grow an autoflower. I know the extra working space would be great in the larger tent, but using just one light I also thought maybe the closer walls would assist the light output. Any thoughts, opinions?


Well-Known Member
A 2x2 is good for single plant grows but most of the ones I’ve seen are pretty short, like 4 feet. When you add in pot height, light distance and the space above the light you can’t use, that 4 feet gets small fast. Especially with an auto where you don’t want to stress the plant too much trying to keep it short.

I’d look for a tent with a small footprint while still being ~ 5’ in height.
Hm. I've never grown just one. My thinking says the footprint would depend on how you're going to prune it to her the yield you are looking for. If you LST, the wider footprint will be necessary.


Well-Known Member
I would go with the biggest tent you can as one well trained plant could easily fill a 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m tent.. I dont grow with led lights so cant comment on that but i do use 2 x 600w mh/hps in a 2.4m x 1.2m x 2m tent and only 4 plants 2 per light.

like above says it really depends on how you intend on growing? scrog maybe? or just topped?


Well-Known Member
4' height is bit of a stretch. 6' would be better, especially if you want to have a carbon filter. With one auto and scrog method you will fill 2x2 space easily. Start LST on week 2 or 3, when there will be third set of nodes.


Well-Known Member
Id probably go for a 4'x2'x6'/7' tall personally, but you can fit quite a bit of plant in that space.
If youre only wanting to get a few oz a year you dont really need much room at all. Especially if you want to keep it going as a hobby and do more than one plant per year. Id take a look at the stealth, cabinet, and micro grow section of the forum and check out some of their grows.


New Member
Thanks for the replies. I think I'll go with a 3 x 3 x 6.5-7. That's about as big as I can go due to stealth issues. And I wasn't really thinking about the height. Since first posting I've been reading about distance to lights, filters and fans, and some others things that have been brought up here. "And you think one plant", I laughed out loud reading that. I'm sure that's absolutely true! Thanks