Looks like Magnesium to me.
Calcium is an immobile element. It's ALWAYS taken from the oldest growth to supplement to the newest. It appears as spots.
Magnesium is mobile and is take from all over. Growers generally see it on the upper portions of their plants because it's an essential element for photosynthesis. PPFD levels are always higher more towards the top of the plant. (Closest to the light) and consequently the photosynthesis activity is highest in said leaves. This is where your deficiency is most likely to show its ugly face.
Epson Salts @ 1tablespoon/gallon of h20.
Rest easy, Magnesium sulfate will not change your pH(h20) or (KCI). Just don't over apply it as it can antagonise other elements.
Alternatively it can be foliar sprayed. Your very early into flower set and it won't affect the buds. Don't use a wetting agent.
Spray @ 1.5tsp/gallon