Test Grow - Week 8 Update


Welcome back, Stoners.

When we last left our Hero, he had just repotted in all-new soil mixed with wonderful things like perlite (now I know was not enough!), blood meal, bone meal, and lime!

This week:

Walt (the runt) has now caught up with his two older siblings, Bob and Steve.
Bob and Steve are both almost all yellow from soil to halfway up! Some new leaves trying to come in up top...not looking good for these two.
Bruce seems to be okay...he's got a new tier of leaves coming in nicely, but he is still about 25% yellow all over...
Kevin! My star, Kevin! He is about 8" tall now, with some dead-ish looking leaves below but a nice strong trunk and :weed: TWO NEW tiers of healthy :leaf: are now coming in! His root ball was super compact so it didn't break it apart when I moved it.

Soil is STILL SUPER MOIST. :finger: WTF Perlite do yo thang!!! I have added NO MORE than about 1c. water since last Sunday. I have watered the leaves with a sprayer a couple times.
