Tga Qush


Well-Known Member
The one to the left is not going to make it. I had started to pull seeds out so that I could take some pic's and hopefully find out what i did wrong when I found both of these. The left only had one leaf as it seemed to never had separated due to a rot spot at the tip where I believe the shell was stuck to. Nothing but TLC for the other one.




Well-Known Member
First up is Qush and 2nd is Tahoe. She is on life support and i try not to so much as look at her :) Think I should give her some food?



Well-Known Member
She's center stage under a grand drinking 1/4 dose of House and Garden AB Soil, and Roots Excellerator.

Grow Goddess

Well-Known Member
The Very last pack of Killer Queen in existence was killed by me just after I germinated them.
A Co-worker(The Bosses Son) came by to borrow a Video game and I gave him a bong hit. He was a toker but I guess he never smoked anything like mine cause he went home acting funny and his grandpa
made him tell why and he called me telling me that the GP was calling the fuzz on me. I was on probation so I killed everything and cleaned house.
They cam the next day and busted me for all my pipes and crap but this was a small not court type ticket.

Shit Happens

Now ain't that a bitch!
I know that feeling all to well too. Had to clean house a few times myself. Still feeling the pain.
You know, a wood burning stove is for more than just heating your house! Great emergency incinerator!


Well-Known Member
Whats up my brothers, I have been nailed to the wall taking down 2nd harvest while under the radar. Framing in a sweet room with open vert's, co2, and mini split. She is doing great in the sense that her roots which I really didn't think she had because it looked like it stunted 1 1/2" into growth came through bottom of 5" net pot. She put on a few leaves but really not much height. Really glad she has roots because I was babying her, now she will get more food. Long story short is that she is well just behind in growth for now but when I get room done and veg flipped I will catch them up under optimal conditions.

Peace, Prosperity, Health to ALL!


Well-Known Member
I have been letting her do her own thing up until now while I framed a couple of rooms. Game on now with a full regiment of nutes (House and Garden AB Soil, Roots Excellerator)and bondage
