Well-Known Member
so im getting back in the grow spirit.hahah..actually had 2 pause what i love 2 do for years due to personal reasons..but im back now
i am going 2 be growing out MarionBerry Kush, and Vortex from Subcool..i always was so curious 2 his work and strains..from what i have read and saw over the years i like what i see and hear and decided to go with his strains..i would like to hear any feedback good or bad from anyone who has recently grown these 2 strains ..how well it yielded.,tasted,grew,etc,,obviously conditions affect everything..but just wanna hear ur personal opinion..thanx so much for the response...[ i also ordered sum berrybomb for the f*** of it just to try some random S*** lol..dont really care how it does but would be amazed if it did well..kinda like my side experiment grow ].thanx again..i will post pics thru out my whole grow starting in about a month.peace out and stay medicated