TGA's New Website


Active Member
A green avenger is like the enlightened sage who shares all his knowledge and information to spread the truth about cannabis with others, whether they are seeking it or not


Well-Known Member
Nice Sub

I particularly like the Vortex shot on the opening page.That back ground is stunning



Well-Known Member
A Green Avenger spends more time with plants than people, but treats them all with equal kindness.

is there any way to become a part of your testing group, or something like it?


What is a Green Avenger?
I have put a lot of thought into this and there is of course a story behind it all.
Long ago before there was a Subcool or Overgrow or even a decent Cannabis web site I bought an Acer 133 Computer and got a dial up account. The net wasn’t as organized back then and one of the things I found to occupy some time on this expensive contraption was build a web site. Now lacking skill I just grabbed a template and some wav sounds and grateful dead dancing bears and I put together a single page web site.
It was called The Green Avenger and I detailed the good about Cannabis and the Bad about the ass hats trying to put my friends and me in jail for smoking and growing it.
As the net expanded and other sites opened up I started contributing less and less to my site and eventually it went down. The founding idea of fighting back by teaching and sharing knowledge took a giant leap when I was arrested for growing weed and fucked around in the penal system watching truly evil people spend less time inside than myself.
This formed a desire in me to do more and I started sending Buds, Clones, and eventually Seeds to everyone I met online to create an Army of Green Avengers. I figured if enough people grew reefer that eventually the laws would have to change. Well I under estimated the bad guys but in the same turn they have under estimated The Green Avengers as well.
People world wide grow my gear and have taken up my fight even if they’re not aware of it. Every pack of seeds sent is another soldier in my peaceful farming army.
Twelve years later the battle continues and now people grow using my methods and breed new strains using my base line genetics and I could not be prouder.
Mission Accomplished!

So what is a Green Avenger today?

A Green Avenger is the guy or girl you know that has the Dankest reefer and the coolest bongs.

You can tell when ones in the room because everyone will be smoking their bud and asking them questions.

A Green Avenger always shows up with gift buds and seeds and cookies and Tincture for his friends.

If you visit the secret hide out of a Green Avenger you will leave confused and higher than you were the last time you visited.

A Green Avenger gets very busy and goes into hiding every 60 days. ( Trimming)

A Green Avenger cleans the bong way to often and is obsessed with clean water and ice. ( Masterchief420)

A Green Avenger will smoke his last joint or bowl with you if asked.
( Kareem)
A Green Avenger has perlite scattered all over the yard and garden.

A Green Avenger comes to a smokeout with his own bud usually 3-4 kinds.

A Green Avenger visits his buddy in Jail!

I need help with more of these so post up yours and they may get added to the master list

As a 4 year newbie, a green avenger ha, is calling the local cops due to someone breaking into my shed, and have you garden so overgrown a skunk possum bug spider habitat that the cop could not find it while looking right at it.

So it's giving up your garden for a jungel, welcome to the jungel.

An Avenger looks the law in the face and say's so what.

The poice where called on me due to my brother saying I was crazy,(long story) then they asked if my mums where pot plants, I said no why do you want some? I am a legal grower, they looked at me like I was nuts, and then told me to register with the state, I told the police I did not have to, they said yes you do, then like a cartoon we went back and forth you do, I don't, then I said look I have to educated you it is an option!. Then the officer gave me his card and told me to call him if I need to.

An Avenger take the time and money to become legal so as not to hurt the efforts of the activist that are working so hard for US. Check out facebook you can find them on their and support their cause.

peace Greeniegal


Active Member
I'm pumped, been trying to order your clothing line a while now. Glad to see your still growing in the buisness department. Rock out. Also I love the fact your strains get ride of their fan leaves themselves, saves me the time to have to remove some shade leaves. Tamo