what is the best starain to grow indoors, aeroponic system and has a good yield and an even better buzz, so many to choose just want some feedback to direct me on which one to cop- lowryder, white widow, mr. nice seeds, blueberry? somebody help
Lowryder is quick, easy and good!! You would be lucky to get an ounce from a plant, but the smoke is good. Great choice if you want it fast or if height is an issue. Pretty easy to grow as well.
Is this your first time? Well, the lowryder is autoflowering so that may not be good for your first go around. It might be great though too. Personally I would think White Widow. I grew it and it was pretty basic. Ya know, feed and grow. It would be easy to get info as a lot of people have grown it. The blueberry may sound good but there are several blueberrys around. So you may not be getting the info specific to yours. Mr Nice is awsome but it is a little bit harder I hear. Yeilds less and maybe better for your second grow.