"Tha Big Dirty" (NYC Diesel - 74 plants / 2 rooms)


Well-Known Member
gettin' started on "the big dirty" today... the biggest attempt for me to date. & you can't have the big dirty without some big 'ol dirty clones... I've had real bad luck so far with using little propagation trays & fluorescent lights.. this time I'm using 6" pots, soiless mix (peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, & fine dolomite lime) & lighting it with a 1000w Sunmaster cool deluxe metal halide. the 4 foot verizonal hood really spreads the light out nice & even over the two Botanicare 3x6 beds... (also using a light mover) anyways, I spent today flushing the shit outta the soiless mix with R/O'ed water with a ph of 6.9 until the runoff was at 180ppm / 6.3ph. (no nutes yet) gonna let them drain overnight & cut my NYC Diesel clones tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Today I took cuttings from my 2 NYC Diesel mothers.. 108 total.. I obviously took a few more than needed... I cut 'em big. biggest clones I've ever taken... didn't water them or anything, the mix was PLENTY moist from the flushing the day before... used some Olivia's cloning gel & mushed them in their new homes... I trashed the mothers cause this is gonna be my last grow here... I thought spraying them with water, 24 hr light & raising my thermostat would be enough to get it hot & humid in there but I couldn't get it up past 35-40%... so I went out to the store & got a bunch of ziplock bags (on sale even), sprayed the clones and threw the bags over top of 'em... the bags fit perfect!! I mean it was like they were made for this.. now I wait....

9-29-08 (2hrs. later)

I just had a rad idea... I was kinda bummed wasn't able to use my new seedling heat mat & thermostat.. but then I remembered I had a little space heater in the garage I wasn't using & placed THAT under my growbeds.. turned it on med. and plugged it into the heat mat thermostat.. stuck the little temp. probe into one of the pots so the heater kicks on when the soil drops below the set temp. now I gotta figure out what temp to set it to...



Well-Known Member
today I pulled the bags off... gave 'em a little fresh air & foliar sprayed 'em... replaced bags.. got a digi. temp. probe buried in the soil.. it's been maintaining steadily @ 85-87 degrees while the ambient room temp. has held steady @ 84-85 deg. a couple clones appear to be yellowing a bit but the vast majority appear perky & healthy... no additional watering yet.... still 24 hr. light cycle..


Well-Known Member
took the bags off today.. foliar sprayed 'em... temp still holding steady at around 85 deg. still 24 hr. light.. not very exciting.. haven't even watered/fed yet.. just waiting for roots... and the $1,100 worth of new lighting gear I ordered this morning.. :) goin' big with 2 Growzilla dual-bulb 600w HPS setups on a light rail 5 for my two 4'x8' beds & a pair of air-cooled 1,000w HPS lamps also on a light rail 5 for my two 3'x6' beds in the second room.. also got some of those neat little yo-yo hanger thing for my reflectors... yea! no more jack-chain!! man, did I ever splurge..



Well-Known Member
mixed up the first batch of nutrient mix today.. 25 gal. seedling recipe came out to about 450ppm and I ph'ed it to 6.4 375ml FloraBlend & 25ml FloraNova Grow.

fed 'em.....

also been misting the clones as often as I can since removing the bags.. usually 3-5 times a day..

pulled a couple shitty-looking ones.. even they had roots forming.. I think this round is gonna be looking good.... C'mon roots!!!



Well-Known Member
today I switched the light cycle to 18 hours... they're really greening up.. lookin' real healthy. pulled the ones that weren't keeping up with the others.. I'm down to 89 strong babies. still misting several times a day.. prolly gonna lay off on that during the next few days.. I also turned on a couple of fans in there to get some air moving... I'm getting real excited about this grow.. got a bunch of new gear on the way.. gonna be awesome!!



Well-Known Member
Just mixed up a batch of some veg. juice... 75ml FloraNova grow, 15ml Floralicious Plus & 150ml of FloraBlend.. added to roughly 15-20 gal. of R/O water ph'ed to 6.4... 890ppm... fed those bitches as soon as the lights came on..

got some new shit in the mail too.. new ballasts... 2 - 600w Sun Systems Harvest-Pro HPS units... also picked up 6 large bales of Sunshine Mix #4.. still waiting on my other Growzilla hood & cord sets.. actually, I had a bit of a mis-hap with UPS on my shipment the other day... one of my Growzillas was damaged and both 600w ballasts I ordered were fucked as well... so I told the guy who sold me the stuff online about it & he was super cool & had the replacements shipped out right away... the 2 ballasts I got today were the replacements.. (one was STILL bent a bit.. too late now to care about it) & as soon as I get the other Growzilla, I'm gonna be transplanting & getting this grow going for real.... stay tuned...



Well-Known Member
Holy shit.. had a pretty busy day today.. got my replacement Growzilla today, which was bent also.. I was, however, able to bend it back so it works just fine.. it's just bullshit thought.. 3 out of 4 ballasts that came to my house were bent & 2 out of 3 hoods had some form of damage... fuck UPS & their turd-brown trucks... anyways, I got some new white visqueen plastic up and got my 2 air-cooled hoods I already had hung up on some of those cool yo-yo thingys I just picked up.. tore down my mother tent, managed to spill a bunch of soil on my carpet.. then had to clean out my vacuum so I could clean up the mess.. the thing was TOTALLY clogged up... organized a bunch of grow crap I had in some boxes.. mostly threw shit out... got my pots ready for transplanting tomorrow & made up a plot of how I'm gonna set up the 2 rooms... gonna relax now.. smoke some bubble & sip a brew or two... I got a shitload more work to do in the morning...



Well-Known Member
Today I transplanted & lolli-popped the 34 biggest clones out of the whole batch into their final homes in room 1 today, also picked out the 40 nicest remaining clones I'm gonna transplant in room 2 tomorrow.. lights went out before I could transplant those ones... I'm also thinking it might be convenient to maybe have room 1 two or three days ahead of room 2 (flowering, feeding schedule & eventually harvest) mixed up 50 gallons of veg. nutes (1030ppm / 6.4ph) with R/O'ed water, 500ml FloraBlend, 250ml FloraNova Grow & 50ml Floralicious Plus.. I'm just following the "run to waste" program it spits out for you on the nutrient calculator at the General Hydroponics website... pretty handy... only the ppm ends up a bit higher than stated on the site.. so I go a little heavy on the water by a few gallons, so realistically I probably mixed like 54-55 gallons..



Well-Known Member
I just read the "sticky" about only posting in grow journal threads if asked to do so... well i just wanna say that I wouldn't be posting this shit unless I thought it was cause I'd be getting helpful advice from other growers.. post away guys!! right now I'm wondering about when to start 12/12 & whether or not to top them or not... I've already trimmed the lower branches (commonly referred to as lollipopping) I was planning on vegging for another few days & putting them into flower without topping... SOG style... & I'm gonna throw another 25 gallons of veg mix to each room asap... (waiting on R/O) to make sure they're good & water-logged for the first wetting in the new pots... that sunshine #4 drains fuckin' perfectly.... :shock: I love it!!


Rebel From The North
looks good man you should yield big, bit I would top them they
will bush out and they look real tight in there not much room.
I would put some fans at the bottom of the plants to keep
frest air circulating around the underside also.


Well-Known Member
they are gonna be pretty tight... that's why I thought not topping would be the way to go... I'm really concerned about keeping an even canopy given the fact that I'm using light movers... the clones I picked out for each room all kinda matched each other in terms of height / node spacing / etc. I'm a little worried about how topping will affect this.. any input on this would be awesome... I'm off to bed now.. more pics in the morning.... :peace: