thai sativa outdoor: white dots on top of leaves and black dots under


Active Member
If its mites talk to your local hydroponics store and ask them about the best pesticides they have some that deal with everything the plants might get and are safe to spray directly on the plant. Be sure to be specific with them tho!


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. So I'm living in Asia and we dont have hydro stores here. What I plan to do, is hit the mites with a mix of things I can easily get here:

• Citric acid
• Cinnamon
• Eucalyptus Oil
• Cayenne Pepper

I might be able to hit them with some:
• Clove
• Pyrethrum
• Neem

I guess I will just mix a tea of this to spray on, but try to pH balance it to around 6 using some baking soda? Or what do you guys suggest?

Fortunately the tree is healthy and beautiful overall and relatively resistant until now (heavy rain recently must have helped too) as per photos attached.

TIA - Thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
I never ph foliar sprays.
Just dilute slightly and spray.
Also try to squish as many mites and eggs as you can by hand on the under side of the leaves before spraying.