Thank You RIU Members And Mods, For Not Being A Bunch Of Uptight Cencorship Freaks


Well-Known Member
I would just like to thank RIU and all it's members and staff, I like being able to "say" whatever comes to mind and i'm sure some others appreciate that while others may not. I like to hear what everyone"s thinking even if I might not agree with it or even if it offends me- It's what makes life fun and interesting- same with this forum. Thank you for not editing and banning everyone, I know their have been some that did get banned, although in some cases I could see what they were doing was disruptive and obscene I wasn't overly bothered by it, but could see the reason for banning them to bring it to an end. but for the most part I have noticed that on RIU pretty much anything goes and I think that is a major part of what makes it so great. I just joined and posted on another forum and received a lifetime ban before I had even made my fifth post, and believe me my posts on their were not inflammatory and were a lot less "unusual" than most of my posts on here- Oh well, they don't know what there missing and this means I will have more time to dedicate to RIU


Well-Known Member
how long before this thread goes poof ? Can we make a list of members that got banned and should be back now ? Bricktop ,drfever


Well-Known Member
how long before this thread goes poof ? Can we make a list of members that got banned and should be back now ? Bricktop ,drfever
Bricktop should be here
I miss sherriberry also, not sure if he was banned or captured by the men in black or abducted by aliens but his posts were classics


Well-Known Member
Bricktop should be here
I miss sherriberry also, not sure if he was banned or captured by the men in black or abducted by aliens but his posts were classics
Yup many members made this a fun site, now that everything is so messed up, the like button miss placed, post counts way down really hurts for people like me that spend 12 hours a day on this site ...Like ur post...Peace


Well-Known Member
I tried the other Forums , they just are not the same ,
I was bored before i could get going,
I think RIU has the best Layout/Setup available that i have seen,
I do miss pac man though , and the like button,
I noticed a lot of RIU haters on Grass acting all bitter and twisted which i found a bit bent,

Umbre's am hammered - G-Bomb -lemony funk :joint:


Well-Known Member
Beardo.....did you make some posts today that you're worried about getting slapped on the hand for......LOL!

I've been banned before on another site, but it took a good long while, on a VERY conservative hunting and fishing site......nice job getting thrown out under 5 posts....that takes real talent! :)

I'll try a Michigan MMJ site and see how long it takes for fun......if I get thrown out in under 5 is there a prize! It could be a contest for the best trolls in the biz.


Well-Known Member
Yes, thanks are in order as I should have been banned by now.

Did anyone ever figure out what happened that got Bricktop banned ?? That guy is a classic.


Well-Known Member
Beardo.....did you make some posts today that you're worried about getting slapped on the hand for......LOL!

I've been banned before on another site, but it took a good long while, on a VERY conservative hunting and fishing site......nice job getting thrown out under 5 posts....that takes real talent! :)

I'll try a Michigan MMJ site and see how long it takes for fun......if I get thrown out in under 5 is there a prize! It could be a contest for the best trolls in the biz.
No I'm not trying to suck up to cover my ass for some RIU post, and yeah it was another site I got banned from and it wasn't a MJ site, I honestly don't even care about MJ I've just found this to be the most interesting site with the best people and feel accepted here- This was another forum with another topic and I posted really on topic stuff and was really interested and legitimate with my couple posts and questions and I posted the name of a site related to their subject - didn't post the link, just the name and asked what they thought about it to try to get some feedback on it and what their thoughts were as far as if it's a good deal or worthwhile or legit because it was a company i'm interested in working with and thought these people would be a good group to ask their opinion- then the forum members started clowning me and calling for me to be banned, then when I tried to post to apologize if I had violated a rule or offended someone I saw that I had received a lifetime ban, then members and mods continued to make fun of me and say I was spamming and clowning me, It's still going, a mod was just making fun of me and my posts, what the fuck? Anyways that's how it went, I didn't do anything wrong except maybe post another site's name to ask what they thought.
If they thought that was a violation- what about mods making fun of a banned member for being banned? That seems pretty unprofessional for a site that seems to be so strict- Anyways fuck their forum if they think their to cool for me


Well-Known Member're better off without em'. It's the interworld man.......there are a million sites to find and get into.....or out of :fire:


Well-Known Member
Bricktop should be here
I miss sherriberry also, not sure if he was banned or captured by the men in black or abducted by aliens but his posts were classics
Dickslop?, me thinks you and him are sharing the same rubber room.

Shame on our mental health system for allowing patients access to the internet.


Well-Known Member
thanks for asking me to talk on your thread...

i like to zoom out a lot and look at big pictures, because thats how the world leaders think, so if you want to come to peace with the way things are, thats your best bet.

first thing to understand is we are all programmed, by our parents, disney movies, church... and in that childhood programming, we are protected from harsh realities of life. most of us still have easter bunnies in our thought processes and we dont realize it.

the world leaders used to bombard the masses with harsh reality... but the masses never seemed to understand how to pick the lesser of 2 evils.

once upon a time, people werent organized, there were no roads, no pipes, no buildings, no schools... there were people in tribes... sophisticated apes if you will.

Individuals with big imaginations noticed that when people (or any creature) fight, its because they are usually fighting over STUFF, food, water, shelter, etc.

So the pharos understood that if we want enough stuff for everyone.. then everyone needs to work to pull their weight.

After all, we all consume... the only question is do we add to the pie?

People werent smart enough to understand the pharos plan, and didnt cooperate. This is when the whips came out and people were enslaved.

People... still to this day... do not realize that their work benefits them... they see the few individuals who have a lot more and have naive imaginations on how much that person is taking.

The pharos tried to tell the masses that the work they were doing, was benefiting the masses.

The masses didnt see it that way, and took it as slavery, because the pharo had more than they did.

But lets be frank... how much food can one human eat? The pharo wasnt the problem... but the people viewed it that way.

Lets fast forward to today.

Bill gates has 50 billion dollars. Lets say he had 80 billion.. even more than he actually does.

There are 8 billion people on earth.

If bill gates gives all of his money away equally... that means we all get 10 bucks.

Thanks for lunch bill!

And yet.... we still today have so many people who let someone who has more money then them BLIND them into getting upset and jealous, and think they deserve a portion of his money.

And they are too foolish to realize they spend YEARS of political debate siting rich people, and never stop to do the math on what it is they are throwing a fit about.

ONE free lunch.

Now here is where it gets even more mind boggling, and i will lose most people with this next statement.

If bill donates all his money... evenly across the globe...

it actually doesnt change anything.

THe lunch you are about to buy... still has to be made by someone.

ANd if you live in a villiage where you are starving because there is a shortage of food... that 10 dollars doenst actually solve anything... unless you need tiolet paper.

The point is... money is somehwat of an illusion.

If i give you 6 billion in cash, and drop you off in a desert, you can afford one thing... sand. And i can get it for free.

Cash is meaningless, gold is meaningless, silver meaningless... unless you want to show off.

But when it comes time to buy a car, a house, a sandwich, anything...

understand... the tooth fairy isnt the one who makes it.

A human does.

It is super important to understand that peoples work ethic determines how rich we as a race actually are.

It is also super important to understand that peoples willpower to stay peaceful, and not get angry and destructive... also determines how rich our race is.

ww2... we blew up a lot of buildings... food was scarce... and living conditions sucked across europe.... there was no soccer, there was no chuck e cheese, there was no night at the movies... it was hide in a hole and kill the other team.

People sometimes chase money so much they forget money is meaningless if the products and lifestyles vanish.

One can argue that after wars, economies are at their best.

I will agree totally... but also inform you that you have been tricked by an illusion....

The way an economy is JUDGED is based on RATE OF GROWTH.

In other words...

Lets compare Shaq to a 4 year old kid.

And lets say height is wealth.

Shaq is richer is he not?

but the child is growing at a faster rate... shaq is done growing.

Economies are the same.

We say that the best economy is the one growing the fastest... not the one that has the most at the current moment.

THis is very important to understand.

And this illusion... is designed on purpose... to get the rest of the world to not be so jealous of strong economies, and make them believe their little economy that is growing at a quick rate is just as good, if not better than ours.

I challange people all the time to find a better place to live, where you have access to more stuff, more variety, and less polution... than what we have in the US and Canada.

If there is a better place... by all means move.

But theres not.

China has a better economy? better get your gas mask because their air is horrible.

My point behind all this is....

you have to ask yourself what you are ultimately after...

Happiness right?

Sometimes, when we are ignorant, we think the grass is greener on the other side... and once we go explore the other side... we come to find out what we had rocked.

This understanding is what you will learn to chase... the understanding that leads to appreciation.

THe quickest way i have found to appreciate something is to try and accomplish it with my own 2 hands.

Once one does this... it makes you appreciate other people.

I used to be that guy who looked down on people who did low paying jobs.

Now, theres no one i appreciate more...
How do you spell Epic?


Well-Known Member
How do you spell Epic?
im going to change gears for a second...

Our brains are relativity machines. They base GOOD AND BAD off of previous experiences.

If you live in a 8 million dollar house and i say you HAVE TO LIVE in a half million dollar house... thats bad.

If you live in a 100,000 dollar house and i say you HAVE TO LIVE in a half million dollar house... thats good.

Its important to understand how we think, and what exactly is making us mad.

happiness... and accomplishment.

its important to get square with yourself on something and answer the following questions...

Do you like having more stuff than other people?


Do you like having more stuff than you did yesterday?

Most humans lack the intelligence to think in terms of the second question. Most humans think in terms of the first question.

Thinking in terms of the first question is dangerous... because it means... you will forfeight EVERYTHING as long as everyone else forfeights even more.

So for instance... you have a half million dollar house, and you live in a neighborhood where everyone else has million dollar houses and half million dollar cars.

you feel like you are losing.

In your mind, you will wage war with everyone else, and not think twice about destroying their way of life... and in the end...

if you are left with a 100,000 dollar house, and they are all broke and on welfare... you will veiw that as a win.

If you think in terms of the second question, you realize that you actually lost.... and you are responisble for assisting in everyone elses loss... because you are a jealous person whos relativity computer choses to compare yourself to others insted of compare yourself to... yourself yesterday, yourself today, and yourself tomorrow.

Im not opposed to one way or the other... but its important to figure out which one you are... because the choices and views you have should be inline with what makes you happy.

If they arent inline... you will never be happy.

Unhappy people are what make this world suck.

I dont mind if people are happy to figure skate, or go to war, so long as they do what makes them happy, and become the best that they can be.

What bugs me is when people arent smart enough to get square with themselves and figure out what they want... and then take the steps that move them in that direction.
Let me count the ways...


Well-Known Member shit have to take my socks off now to finish
so what does all this have to do with this thread...

the thread says are WE in trouble..

my question is who is WE?

and who do you want WE to be?

Here comes some more inconsistant programming, that people dont realize they have....

Is everyone in your country your friend? You have enemies on your street? You have rapists that if they raped a family member, youd still call them a friend?

Lets call a spade a spade, and get real.

Groups based on skin color or territory are for the birds.

Its a good thing to teach kids, so that they give everyone around them a chance and arent paranoid that the things in life they dont like are people's faults within their community.

instead, we allow the blamers to point blame... but point it at a far off land, or at another leader.

This allows peace to remain in the communities... and allows people a chance to snap out of their BLAMING.

Once a person turns 18.. a magical thing happens. True free agency.

And a chance to join the military, and go attack the other team they are so convinced is behind all their problems.

THe economy not good enough for you? And you dont want to work to solve it and you want to point blame at someone else?

Rest assured, the world leaders do not want to hear your complaints.... so they create an illusion... where they trick the dumb people from this side of the globe, into facing off with the dumb people of that side of the globe.

Skin color, place of birth, language you grew up learning....

these are all illusions for the people who WANT TO BLAME, and dont want to UNDERSTAND.

If you look past peoples skin color or where they were born... and start to put a list together of important qualities...


will you kill people if they are short?

Will you kill people if they have a low iq?

Will you kill people if they are born in the wrong spot?

Will you kill people if they have the wrong name for god?

Or... will you look for something that people have control over....

Lets say... people who search for understanding, and thus appreciation for what they have, and the world in which they live.


People who search for someone to blame, and refuse to admit that there is no such thing as perfect, and there is always room for improvement?

you see... we are born knowing nothing. And the day we die is the most we will ever know.

Knowldege is infinite. Numbers are infinite. Genetic mutation is infinite. Ideas are infinite. Problems are infinite.

To pretend that you are in no need of improvement and that you have the right answers as you sit... is an ape instinct to try and look important.

And it might work on the idiots... and you make a baby with some stupid chic who falls for it...

but understand... the people who want to understand whats going on... are the last people to pick up a gun and get violent.

And thus... this is why the opposing team concept is kept in tact... it allows idiots who think they have life so figured out... that they have the right to kill another human being...

face off with a mirror image of themself... from another team... and kill eachother.

And while in the desert, with no freedom, in a 120 degree tank, eating spam...

if it ever dawns on that soldier... that they HAD a GREAT economy, and the choice they chose put them in a shitty situation, surrounded by people where it becomes poinless to build anything, for it will just get destroyed....

it might finally dawn on that person to come home and choose to smile, and appreciate life...

and know that porducts dont just fall from the sky.

Are we in a bad economy?

Relative to the rest of the world? Not at all.

Relative to where we were 10 years ago? Absolutely.

First, lets define an economy.

You can use a bunch of big words and confuse the hell out of everyone....

but i think ive figured out a great definition...

An economy is... how hard and long do you work in a day, how much do you produce and serve.... and then the pay you recieve... how much does that allow you to purchase?

in other words..

how much do you produce, compared to how much you are allowed to consume.

In a great economy, you dont have to work much, and the pay you receive allows you to afford, and thus consume all kinds of stuff.... far more than you produced that day.

In a bad economy, you have to work a ton, produce a ton, and the pay you receive, doesnt allow you to consume much at all.

Here is a little harsh reality to life...

when people in other countries work in sweat shops to produce abercrombie clothes and other random stuff we enjoy... and then they arent paid much...

this is to americas advantage.

Because instead fo the people who make the shirts being paid enough to purchase them from their own factory... they cant.

And thus there are more shirts for us... allowing more of us to afford them and not have to work as hard to produce shirts... someone else already has.

Not saying this is good or bad... just saying... this is an important part to understand about global economics...

if our economy is to get better... and we not work any harder then we already are...

understand someone elses economy has to get worse... where they have to work harder, and arent allowed to afford to consume the product, but instead it comes our way.

I dont mind someone who wants our economy to get better... as long as they realize they have to produce more to make it happen.

I dont mind someone who wants our economy to get better, and doenst want to produce more... but i hope they understand... that without the tooth fairy... the only other option is sweat shops in asia, where people dont get paid, and we get the goods for cheap because no money is waste on labor fees.

What i cant stand are people who want our economy to get better, want to work less, and want to punish the bad guys in asia running the sweat shops.

This person may as well have stepped on an elevator with me... pushed both the up and down buttons... and then complained that the elevator went up, or down, and that they wanted to go the other way.

This is an obvious sign of ignorance and retardation.

It is important to understand there are many world leaders who feel the same way... and this is why they have no problem hanging idiots out to dry... who prove they dont have the brainpower to understand cause and effect... and instead just want to complain regardless of which direction the elevator goes because in their mind, they believe they live in a universe where everything is possible, and its someone elses responsibility to make it happen.

When the reality is... they grew up on the coat tails of a generation who had been to war, understood that work has to be done, and thats why we had the great economy we used to have... because people used to enjoy and appreciate the opportunity to pull their weight.

These days... we have the easter bunny, aka insterest rates, national deficit, fed reserve conspiracies, stock market levels, and whos in office.

And guess what. None of these things, not obama, not the interest rates... make another plasma tv.

People still have to make the tv, or make the robots that make the tv.

It doesnt matter where the interest rates are... whos in office.. and where the stock market is...

if theres 3 of us, and one sandwich... understand... 2 are going to go hungry, UNLESS SOMEONE GETS OFF THEIR ASS AND MAKES 2 MORE SANDWICHES.

This harsh reality... is not something ANY politician has any reason to explain... because what it means is... he cant help you... his help is an illusion.

Once you realize that... he just lost control of you... he has nothign left to bribe you with.
Thought this was worth posting..


Well-Known Member
RIU rules the internet, this and youtube are the only worthwhile sites I've found
lets take this site international or better yet intergalactic, Any aliens out their what's up? and why do Yall like cattle mutilation and anal probing so much?


Active Member
I agree. I think this is a fine place to play. I love it when shit gets crazy around here. . .I quite enjoy the carnage. I went a few rounds with the brick-- it was good fun. I find anarchy to be both entertaining and efficient.