That “Other Stuff” in Marijuana


Active Member
This just in:

One of the arguments regularly raised against medical marijuana is that THC is available in pill form, so — according to the Drug Enforcement Administration and other opponents — patients don’t need that nasty weed, which has all sorts of other stuff in it. The problem with that argument is that some of that “other stuff” is really useful...
More info about this can be found here:

What do you think if they could they extract the THC and make it into a pill form?

Would you actually be able to get high


Well-Known Member
not even close to the same.

they only include delta9 tetrahydracanabinol, they don't include the other 66 cannabinoids in weed that are directly or indirectly responsible for getting you high and the hundreds of other medical benefits.


edit: if you're saying what-if for the pill form of THC, they've already done it, several times, Marinol was one of the first. they really don't work nearly as well as good ol' weed. hash oil extract is the best way to take advantage of marijuana's medical benefits.

Don't Bogart

Well-Known Member
I would think that IF you were to make hash you could compress it into pill form. Instead of a block you would make little 1/8 or 1/4 gram pills.


Well-Known Member
I would think that IF you were to make hash you could compress it into pill form. Instead of a block you would make little 1/8 or 1/4 gram pills.
hash oil would be practical. but the pharmaceutical companies wont take such methods as in that hash oil there is still content of over 50 cannabinoids. too complex to be patented, so they figure they should convince everyone it's bad for you.


Well-Known Member
More info about this can be found here:

What do you think if they could they extract the THC and make it into a pill form?

Would you actually be able to get high

What do you think if they could they extract the THC and make it into a pill form?
If they could? ... They already can, THC is available in dispensaries in Pill form, eye drops, liquid, food and of course smokeable buds ... Some people use medical mj but can't smoke it due to their illness, so they use those other forms, some of them do contain more than just delta-9 THC.

But as stated earlier, it's not the same as getting high, but if it provides the required medicinal benefits then the patient isn't losing anything really... Medicinal users often use because of the provided relief they can't get from other medicine, they have no desire to get 'high' ... But of course there are some medicinal users who prefer to get high! haha