That’s it


Well-Known Member
I’m moving out of the country.
Fucking QAnon? I thought anonymous was unacceptable to them in regards to, well, just about everything.
I thought Pointyhead disavowed these people?
I thought dump didn’t know who they were?
I thought they’re considered a domestic terrorist threat?
Let’s have it...
eat my shit trumptard

Your turds are probably a lot tastier than what Trump will be serving up if the idjits down south give him another kick at the can!

How can any thinking person even dream of giving him another 4 years? Oh wait, most 'mericans can't think any more and that's his base. :(

Heaven help us all and I don't even believe in heaven tho hell is all around us now!

Your turds are probably a lot tastier than what Trump will be serving up if the idjits down south give him another kick at the can!

How can any thinking person even dream of giving him another 4 years? Oh wait, most 'mericans can't think any more and that's his base. :(

Heaven help us all and I don't even believe in heaven tho hell is all around us now!


ahhhhh you need schuylaars simple american it goes:

330M x.01 narcissist and you have yourself the Trumpy* hardcore which incidentally believe in Bible- literally.

It is estimated that NPD is present in 0.5% of the general United States population [4] and in 2-16% of those who seek help from a mental health professional. NPD is found in 6% of the forensic population, [5, 6] in 20% of the military population (the actual disorder as well as narcissistic traits), [7, 8, 6] and in 17% of first-year medical students. [9, 6]
I’m moving out of the country.
Fucking QAnon? I thought anonymous was unacceptable to them in regards to, well, just about everything.
I thought Pointyhead disavowed these people?
I thought dump didn’t know who they were?
I thought they’re considered a domestic terrorist threat?
Let’s have it...

he going to canada probably could hitch a ride..

Let’s not derail too far.
Mike Penis rally backed by QAnon!!!!!
No surprise: T-Ball and the Ghost are after EVERY hell-baked nutcase in the land - and they’ll screw *ANYBODY* to get it done

He’s the first one I’d like to smash in the mouth.
Is ted QAnon too?
Honestly, I’m not at all sure ANY of the top influencers of weak minds *believe* any of the shit they spread: they’re paid (handsomely!) to make it up, spread it thick, & dig it deep...and the true believers are too gullible, too easily manipulated, too quickly ensnared to come up with the shit they soak up: the mob isn’t *supposed* to understand, they’re supposed to freak out & get crazy
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