That’s mold, right?


Well-Known Member
Looks like mold...not sure it needs to be fixed though. Is your canopy / room humidity good? If so, I wouldn't sweat it...if your humidity is high, perhaps letting things dry out a smidge more than you are now, may help clear it up. Don't dry out your coco though...that's a no no. Just try to manage your moisture more if it bothers you. Maybe someone else will chime in with some experience on this; I run coco like you, feeding twice daily like you...can't say I've ever had an issue like this, but again, I'm not sure I'd worry too much unless, again you have humidity issues. Good luck.

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
It should die off on it's own as long as your temps and humidity are in the proper ranges and you aren't watering too much too oftenly. Having never grown in coco, I'm not sure how much watering is too much.


Well-Known Member
You're looking at saprophytic fungus. It's harmless for the most part, feeds on decaying organic comes from too much watering, or too much time spent in an environment that is too humid/not warm of the soil can't dry properly.


Well-Known Member
I think you may be right! I thought I added that just for my soil plants, but there is a good possibility that I added that for these coco ones.
I feel dumb. I really appreciate the input everybody!
With it being that, should I worry about it? I’ll keep my eyes on it.
My temps are anywhere from 72-79 degrees F
My humidity is anywhere from 45-60%. (It drops low when I open the tent and work in there


Well-Known Member
I think you may be right! I thought I added that just for my soil plants, but there is a good possibility that I added that for these coco ones.
I feel dumb. I really appreciate the input everybody!
With it being that, should I worry about it? I’ll keep my eyes on it.
My temps are anywhere from 72-79 degrees F
My humidity is anywhere from 45-60%. (It drops low when I open the tent and work in there
It won't kill your plants...but it's not ideal to have it means that the environment is a bit out of the comfort zone. In a good setting, with enough air movement and proper temps/ should not be seeing that.


Well-Known Member
That coco looks extremely wet. You probably only need to water once a day since you're using straight coco. That's what I've been doing for years. It doesn't hurt for the top of the coco to dry out a little.


Well-Known Member
That coco looks extremely wet. You probably only need to water once a day since you're using straight coco. That's what I've been doing for years. It doesn't hurt for the top of the coco to dry out a little.
I appreciate it! This is my first coco run. Still trying to learn what to stress about and what not to lol