Thc goo glob forming on flower.

Better Call Paul

Active Member
So guys, last few months I've been growing these bag seeds I got on holiday in spain, and to my absolute surprise, one day one of the girls started secreting this beautiful, majestic, droplet of pure cannabinoids dissolved in terpenes. Take a look yourself! IMG_20190728_154654.jpg IMG_20190728_154704_009.jpg IMG_20190728_153229.jpg IMG_20190728_154419.jpg IMG_20190728_154434_005.jpg IMG_20190728_154507.jpg IMG_20190728_154509_009.jpgThe plant has a unique scent, somewhat resembling blueberries and bubblegum flavour. It reminds me of the most beautiful ornamental bauble on the most beautiful Christmas tree. Have any of you ever seen this kind of phenomenon?


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This honeydew is a "sugar-rich sticky liquid, secreted by aphids and some scale insects as they feed on plant sap. When their mouthpart penetrates the phloem, the sugary, high-pressure liquid is forced out of the gut's terminal opening
This honeydew is a "sugar-rich sticky liquid, secreted by aphids and some scale insects as they feed on plant sap. When their mouthpart penetrates the phloem, the sugary, high-pressure liquid is forced out of the gut's terminal opening
I'm well aware of aphids sweet secretions as I see them on some of my other (non cannabis) plants, but this appears to be coming from the plant itself and there have been no aphids spotted anywhere near these girls.
Well cannabis doesn't secret resin like that but if you wanna prove me wrong have it tested. lol Taste it.
There is a strain called pinkman goo that is famous for this kind of secretion, and I assure you there are no aphids in my plants. Besides, how would a supposed aphid even get so deep inside the dense trichome forest covering the tight buds? I promise you I will test it to the best of my ability as soon as she's ready. In the meantime, I suggest you do some light research on the topic. Numerous people have reported this in the past.
That, kiddies is called Phloem Sap.

This can be somewhat common. It is the "sweet" food bearing sap of the plant. This is not xylem sap that moves minerals and waters to the food factories.
You had a small burst in a phloem sieve tube. This stuff is sweet to the taste but contains no THC.
It will very slowly dry out.. I wouldn't smoke it if I could help it.
That, kiddies is called Phloem Sap.

This can be somewhat common. It is the "sweet" food bearing sap of the plant. This is not xylem sap that moves minerals and waters to the food factories.
You had a small burst in a phloem sieve tube. This stuff is sweet to the taste but contains no THC.
It will very slowly dry out.. I wouldn't smoke it if I could help it.
It's unfortunate it's not rich in thc, but it is still beautiful. Can't wait to taste this heavenly cannabis syrup.
Have you dabbed one of those resin balls? Whats it like?

The first time I had this happen I this happen it really confused me. I didn't actually smoke it, but I did a heat test on it, and it was clearly sugar based from the way it burned.

After some more research, I found basically what Dr. Who posted above. That it is actual sap from the plant, and that it had likely happened in my garden due to some crazy VPD swings I was having.